- 2
support for laravel 11?
#1649 opened by alexteh - 2
Demo is broken - Password reset required
#1626 opened by sugar - 2
Failed asserting
#1617 opened by dany-eudes - 12
Deactivated user can login by requesting password reset
#1589 opened by redactuk - 13
support laravel9?
#1584 opened by jinhuaxiao - 2
2FA isn't working
#1601 opened by dverzolla - 1
I got this error how to solve
#1592 opened by SovanratanaKrien - 2
Composer Install Package Issue
#1591 opened by EdwardSoaresJr - 3
- 8
- 3
- 1
Can't access the Demo server
#1587 opened by sprklinginfo - 1
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::addCookieToResponse() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response, null given, called in /var/www/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Session/Middleware/StartSession.php on line 63 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\Debug\\Exception\\FatalThrowableError(code:0)
#1582 opened by mohanrvgit - 3
[Question] Automate generation of localization JSON data(__, @lang in template/classes)
#1572 opened by coderkoala - 2
I need to disable 2 step authentication
#1575 opened by hasibkamal - 2
- 2
Contact form gcaptcha wrong validate: v6.x
#1565 opened by animepain - 2
/lang route will break the session if wrong...
#1564 opened by mikkeaa - 2
Demo asking for password update
#1560 opened by ugintl - 1
Default pages
#1561 opened by ugintl - 1
I cant send emails to a specific mail.... the mail is going to the smtp website...
#1557 opened by tamimjdd - 4
Problem with recaptcha in login form
#1552 opened by 0xlimon - 2
The production version displays scss files, not frontend.css and backend.css
#1554 opened by pixelzdesign - 1
Social Login Using Github
#1546 opened by soringabriel - 3
Language problem for two-step authentication
#1551 opened by 0xlimon - 1
Getting an error Call to undefined function includeRouteFiles() on fresh install
#1545 opened by centralcybersecurity - 8
No Role Named '' in phpunit
#1541 opened - 3
deprecated .php_cs
#1542 opened by bingalls - 2
Probably not a Bug really, but php artisan migrage throws an error depending up MySQL
#1544 opened by sscotti - 1
- 3
label:question Is there a way to upgrade composer in Boilerplate 7 to use PHP 8 ?
#1537 opened by fikoulli - 3
- 2
Failing tests, how to test withFlashSuccess
#1532 opened by lharland - 4
Boilerplate spitting out strange header
#1523 opened by badruayomaya - 0
#1526 opened by aamirchaudhary - 2
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Weird issue with admin user listing
#1522 opened by bryanrscott - 3
Having dependancy issues on php8
#1512 opened by dbrax - 4
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2FA Library Update
#1517 opened by bryanrscott - 6
- 1
Single Login via Laravel Socialite not working
#1506 opened by the-hardik-sisodia - 5
default mode to display users
#1516 opened by 0xlimon - 0
Validate data in FE
#1515 opened by NguyenTheSon - 1
Missing CORS middleware
#1499 opened by Fitmavincent - 1
- 3
Issue with restoring models
#1496 opened by JimmyBower - 2
Question: How to create new Role?
#1493 opened by perffy - 1
Failed Jobs table missing UUID column
#1501 opened by PunchRockgroin - 1
#1505 opened by blindxfish