
OLD VERSION Routourist: A GDSC Solutions Challenge 2023 Submission from SUTD.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Routourist is a route builder web application that aims to promote sustainable tourism.

Try Routourist Now!

(Please wait a while for it to load)


  • 🗺️ Enter a starting location and destination(s), choose your preferred mode of transportation, and Routourist will generate a route through every location!
  • 📊 Statistics on the amount of carbon emissions generated from your route, with comparisons to the carbon emissions generated when other modes of transport are selected
  • 📍 An option to optimise your route, which generates the shortest route through all inputted destinations (in an optimised order)
  • 💡 Suggestions on nearby attractions and facilities along the created route, such as parks, sustainable hotels, water activities, bicycle rentals, electric vehicle charging spots etc.
  • 💾 Ability to save created routes when logged in

About this project

Routourist is created for the Google Solutions Challenge 2023, targetting the UN Sustainable Development Goals 8.9: Promote Beneficial and Sustainable Tourism, and 12.B: Develop and Implement Tools to Monitor Sustainable Tourism. View our demo video here.

Project Members


Email: routourist3dc@gmail.com

Setup Guide


  • A MongoDB Atlas Account
  • A Google Cloud Account


Step 1: Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/rappleit/routourist.git

Step 2: Go to the backend folder

Step 2.1: Install backend dependencies

npm install

Step 2.2: Create a new .env file from .env.example

copy .env.example .env

Step 2.3: Create a new MongoDB free cluster (tutorial) and copy the connection string under Connect > Connect your application. Paste this connection string in your .env file after MONGO_URI= (Remember to replace the password)

Step 2.4: Add in your own JWT Secret in your .env file after SECRET= (This can be a string of random text and numbers. You can use any password generator to generate one)

Step 2.5: Run the backend

npm start

Step 3: Go to the frontend folder

Step 3.1: Install frontend dependencies

npm install

Step 3.2: Create a new .env.local file from .env.example

copy .env.example .env.local

Step 3.3: Obtain API key from Google Cloud Console

  1. Head to Google Cloud Console
  2. Create a new project
  3. At the top left, under "APIs & Services", click on "Credentials"
  4. Click "Create Credentials", then click "API Key"
  5. Copy this API Key for later
  6. Enable Places, Directions, Geocoding, Maps Javascript APIs from the API "Library"

Paste the copied API Key in your .env.local file next to NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY=

Step 3.4: Run the frontend

npm run dev