
Blue-collar Job Portal is a web based application portal for assisting the blue-collar workers in finding jobs seamlessly and enabling the employers to post jobs efficiently.

Primary LanguagePython


The objective of this project is to develop a job portal for the blue collar employees like drivers, cooks,mechanics,etc . By using this portal employees can easily apply for blue collar jobs and recruiters can find suitable candidates for their jobs. Blue-collar Job Portal is a web based application portal for assisting the blue-collar workers in finding jobs seamlessly and enabling the employers to post jobs efficiently. A project that seeks to provide employment to the poorest of the destitute citizens of our nation who cannot use Linkedin to look for their jobs. The application provides the ability for customers/employers to create their accounts, search candidates, create postings for blue collar jobs, and view job seeker’s applications.

The project has user session management for sign-up/login/logout features. A backend supported authentication system. Ease of posting New Job thus creating more employment opportunities for the often ignored section of our society. Dashboard with Job listings, notifications section and profile. Customers can post jobs. Get applications on their posted jobs, chat with job seekers and thus can shortlist. Blue collar Job Seekers Profiles will be available all throughout, Recruiters can directly see their profiles and give them a message/call from the contact number available on the site. Employers provide their requirements for the service which they need as a job opening.