
A multi-threaded, persistent key/value store

Primary LanguageRust


A multi-threaded, persistent key/value store server and client with networking over a custom protocol.

Quick start

  • Build: cargo build
  • Run server: unifier-server -h
    unifier-server 0.1.0
      unifier-server [OPTIONS]
        -h, --help       Prints help information
        -V, --version    Prints version information
            --addr <IP:PORT>          Sets the listening address [default:]
            --engine <ENGINE-NAME>    Sets the storage engine [possible values: kvs, sled]
    Note: If --engine is specified, then ENGINE-NAME must be either "kvs", in which case the built-in engine is used, or "sled", in which case sled is used. If this is the first run (there is no data previously persisted) then the default value is "kvs"; if there is previously persisted data then the default is the engine already in use. If data was previously persisted with a different engine than selected, it will print an error.
  • Run client: unifier-client -h
    unifier-client 0.1.0
      unifier-client <SUBCOMMAND>
        -h, --help       Prints help information
        -V, --version    Prints version information
        get    Get the string value of a given string key
        rm     Remove a given string key
        set    Set the value of a string key to a string

Why unifier (unity.kv)?

  • Multi-threaded: many threads are created within a process, executing independently but concurrently sharing process resources to finish tasks in a much faster way. This efficiency comes from the unity of threads.
  • Traits for intergration:
    • Two key-value store engines. KvsEngine trait defines the storage interface. KvStore implements KvsEngine for the kvs storage engine and SledKvsEngine implements KvsEngine for the sled storage engine.
    • Three threadpool implementations. ThreadPool trait contains methods that create a new thread pool to spawn the specified number of threads, and that spawn a function into the threadpool. NaiveThreadPool implements ThreadPool and spawns a new thread every time the spawn method is called. RayonThreadPool implements ThreadPool using a data parallelism library called rayon. And SharedQueueThreadPool implements ThreadPool using a shared queue.
    • Different kinds of engines and threadpools to choose is the unity of implementations.
  • Built on top of open-source projects and online tutorials, this is the unity of crates and experiences.
  • I have been playing Assassin's Creed Unity recently. :)


Compared with sled (a concurrent embedded key-value database), kvs engine takes samller space and offers faster speed. The benchmark results are as follows:







cargo test --test cli

  • server_cli_version
  • client_cli_version
  • client_cli_no_args
  • client_cli_invalid_subcommand
  • test client_cli_invalid_get
  • client_cli_invalid_rm
  • client_cli_invalid_set
  • cli_log_configuration
  • cli_wrong_engine
  • cli_access_server_kvs_engine
  • cli_access_server_sled_engine

cargo test --test kv_store

  • remove_non_existent_key
  • remove_key
  • get_non_existent_value
  • get_stored_value
  • overwrite_value
  • concurrent_get
  • concurrent_set
  • compaction

cargo test --test thread_pool

  • naive_thread_pool_spawn_counter
  • shared_queue_thread_pool_spawn_counter
  • rayon_thread_pool_spawn_counter
  • shared_queue_thread_pool_panic_task

Thanks to https://github.com/pingcap/talent-plan