An app for finding things in your house.
Find-it is deployed on Heroku at https://rts-find-it.herokuapp.com/.
This website is powered by Django. The css is compiled from SASS.
This is my first (non-tutorial) Django app. I relied heavily on the book Django Unleashed by Andrew Pinkham for my general app set-up and development approach.
The most glaring thing that's missing from this app is testing. I consider tesing to be an essential part of web development. However, the tutorial I used as a basis for this app's development did not include testing, and in the interests of time, I have overlooked it here. It is definitely the next thing on my list to learn in Django.
Beyond testing, most ideas for features are listed in the Github issues and organized into release milestones.
This app was developed using Django 10.3 and Python 3
- I recommend developing in a virtualenv
- Install requirements and dev requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r dev_requirements.txt
- Create the database (in bash:
, in postgreSQL:CREATE DATABASE findit;
) - Give a user permissions to the
- Add your postgres password (PASSWORD) and (SECRET_TOKEN) as environment variables.
In bash:
export $PASSWORD='<your_password>'
- Run the migrations:
./manage.py migrate
. - Set the dev environment:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=findIt.settings.dev
- You can now run a local server!
./manage.py runserver
When editing scss, use sass --watch templates/styles/index.scss:static/site/index.css
auto-update css files.
When editing all other files, ./manage.py runserver
will run a local
server and watch for file changes.