
Playing around with SOAPpy.

Primary LanguagePython


Playing around with SOAPpy.

If you want to run it you probably need to install SOAPpy first, e.g.: pip install SOAPpy.

To run this:

git clone https://github.com/raquel-ucl/SOAPpy-example.git
cd SOAPpy-example
python client.py wsdl/GoogleSearch.wsdl
python client.py wsdl/weather.wsdl
python client.py wsdl/osc.wsdl

Each of those python commands will print out the list of available functionality in each server followed by the list of arguments of a randomly chosen method. Execute several times to maximise the fun.

Also takes a URL to another WSDL file as argument.

Note osc.wsdl doesn't work yet due to "No address binding found in port.", since it assumes I'm running a server in localhost:80 which I'm not. Needs to point to the live ORACC service to work properly.

Important Note: SOAPpy is outdated and clumsy and although it works to lists available stuff in a server, it does not work when you try to call the methods in the server. Switching to suds instead. Working on an example on how to use it here.