Inspired by similar projects by other devs, I'm going to write down a thing that I've learned every day.
Today I learned about member routes in Rails. It's an easy way to add routes to resources that might not be your basic RESTful routes. For example:
resources :submissions, only: [:show] do
member do
get :publish
put :accepted
put :rejected
put :submitted_for_publishing
Will produce:
publish_submission GET /submissions/:id/publish submissions#publishing
It's much less wordy than writing out things like:
get '/submissions/:id/publish' to: 'submissions#publish', as: submission_publish
Today I learned that you can delete a remote git branch like so:
git checkout old_branch
git branch -m old_branch new_branch
git push origin :old_branch
git push origin new_branch
The :
in front of the old branch name deletes the remote branch
Today I learned that, contrary to what Jon told me once, Rails' render: 'partial_name'
and render partial: 'partial_name'
are NOT the same.
When sending along local variables, it's probably a better idea to use render partial: 'partial_name'
Here's why:
If you are using the term partial: in your render, for example like so:
= render partial: 'partial_name', locals: {foo: 'x', bar: 'y'}
Then your locals will be available simply as foo and bar, directly:
= foo
= bar
The other syntax doesn't quite work like that! You need to access your variables in a different (uglier) way
render 'partial_name', locals: {foo: 'x', bar: 'y'}
= locals[:foo]
= locals[:bar]