
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an example app of how setup and use kafka.

The docker-compose provide access to the following services:

  • Zookeeper: port 2181
  • Kafka: port 9092
  • Schema Registry: port 8081
  • Kafka Rest: port 8082
  • Kafka Manager: port 9000

## Configuration

To access direct to kafka from the host machine is required to add the following hostname to /etc/hosts       broker       schema_registry

Start Docker

docker-compose up -d

Access to docker with node:

docker exec -it cokafka_app_1 node

Access to the broker container

docker exec -it cokafka_broker_1 /bin/bash

Producer Example

node src/simple-producer.js

Consumer Example

node src/simple-consumer.js

Kafka CLI Examples

kafka-console-consumer --topic test --bootstrap-server broker:9092 --group test-group

Alter partition number in topic

kafka-topics  --alter --partitions 2 --topic test --zookeeper zookeeper:2181

## Schema Registry Example

The producer, send data using the version v2 of the schema user (schema/user/user.v2.avsc)

node src/simple-schema-consumer.js

The consumer consume both version v1 and v2 of the schema

node src/simple-schema-consumer.js

The data format don't follow the format of the Avro serializers that are implemented on Java and Python clients, there exist the package kafka-avro that currently implements this format but does not stay updated.