
JDBC Driver for Infinispan

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Infinispan JDBC Driver

This project is a implementation of JDBC Driver for Infinispan distributed in-memory key/value store based on Teiid (https://teiid.io) technology.

If you are thinking, a JDBC driver for key/value store? yes, that is correct, using this driver, you can access Infinispan cluster as you would access Oracle, Postgres, MySQL etc. You could readily use this driver with any BI tools to analyze the data inside Infinispan cluster. You could use this driver to query/insert/update/delete rows to/from Infinispan Cache. Please note, that when you modify data using this driver (insert, update, delete) it will be using the same internal object format as your custom application that is written using Protobuf mechanism.

Since this driver is simple wrapper around the Teiid technology, you have all SQL query support that Teiid provides, even if some of the support is not natively supported by Infinispan. You can use huge library of Teiid functions. However note that since pushdown support is not fully available, some of these functions are being executed locally to put the results together, that means execution times may be higher. Hopefully in future releases, we will write enough distributed execution functions to process them remotely on Infinispan Cluster.


This implementation does come with few limitations.

  • Only works with Remote Inifinispan over HotRod client. No, library mode.
  • Only works when you defined a "protobuf" file to work with your Cache contents. If are using freestyle objects, this will not work. If you want to add new schema see section on Schema.
  • Insert/Update/Delete only works when the Protobuf message has additional annotation to mark a column as Identity (@Id) column. See more details in "Enhancing Protobuf Metadata" section.
  • There can be only single top level message in your Protobuf file for single cache in Infinispan. See "Enhancing Protobuf Metadata" to define a way tie protobuf's message to cache such that more than single top level message can be defined in a single protobuf file.
  • Due to inherent nature of nested documents in the Infinispan cache, if a message has child(ren) messages, when parent is deleted all the children are cascade deleted also.

JAVA Example

If you are working with maven add the below dependency to your project

Maven co-ordinates to come after first version is published

Then you can use the code fragment like below to make connection to the Infinispan Cache.

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:infinispan://localhost:11222/addressbook_indexed;protobuf=/quickstart/addressbook.proto");
Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("select id, name, email from Person");


If you are starting with empty schema (no protobuf) has defined, this driver gives couple different ways to define the schema of your cache. You can define a property called "schema" on your URL connection string, which can either be path to a .proto file or a .ddl file.

.proto file

This can be any protobuf file that you want to register with Infinispan cache and access through this driver. You can use annotations defined in Enhancing the Protobuf Metadata in here too.

.ddl file

Here the schema of the cache is defined in the form of DDL. Specifically using Teiid DDL. You can reference DDL documentation here http://teiid.github.io/teiid-documents/master/content/reference/DDL_Metadata.html and also look for extensions you would need to define on DDL for Infinispan cache for customization [here] (http://teiid.github.io/teiid-documents/master/content/reference/Infinispan_Translator.html#_details_on_protobuf_to_ddl_conversion). Typically as user you do not need to define these extensions manually in simple scenarios. When you supply the schema in DDL, the driver will first convert this schema into a compatible .proto file and register that protobuf file with the Infinispan cache.

Enhancing Protobuf Metadata

When you define your cache content structure in the Protobuf format, there are many different limitations. By defining few annotations below, you can solve some of these issues.

No Identity Key

When you define a message in Protobuf, there is no way to define which field of the message should be used as the key store in Infinispan cache. This is typically left out to client applications to define. The below defines an annotation @Id that used by this driver when doing any updates to cache. Add this annotation to all the top level messages in Protobuf. For example:

message Person {

   required string name = 1;
   /* @Id */
   required int32 id = 2;

   optional bytes picture = 3;

Note: This is way Teiid (this Driver) choose to define the Key declaratively.

Single Top Level Message, Can not define multiple top level messages in given Protobuf file

If you have single top level message in a given Protobuf file per Cache, then this does not affect you. However if you want to define multiple domain messages in a single Protobuf file, but they need to be stored in different Infinispan caches, you can use @Cache annotation to do so. If the defined Cache is not configured one will be created automatically. For example:

/* @Cache(name=PersonCache)
message Person {

   required string name = 1;
   /* @Id */
   required int32 id = 2;

   optional bytes picture = 3;

Note: PersonCache from above is name of the Infinispan cache the contents of the Person object stored or read from. If you are working with an custom application, then that application defines programmatically where it reads/writes from. Since there is no code in this model, this is way Teiid choose to define this property declaratively.

Data Types

Protobuf defines a very limited set of data types namely int32, int64, float, double, string, bool, bytes. However typically JDBC applications have more rich in types like Date, Timestamp, XML, Blobs, Geography etc. This driver provides support for @Teiid annotation to decorate a Protobuf's message field such that they can be read as rich data types through this driver. For example to read a "bytes" field as "blob" you can define as

/* @Cache(name=PersonCache)
message Person {

   required string name = 1;
   /* @Id */
   required int32 id = 2;

   /* @Teiid(type=blob) */
   optional bytes picture = 3;

Similarly if you want to read int64 as timestamp then define

  int64 dateofbirth;  

Now when using the above driver, the dateofbirth column will be represented as timestamp and read/updated as int64. For full list of data types checkout http://teiid.github.io/teiid-documents/master/content/reference/Supported_Types.html. Please note that if you were using Java to define marshalers most of these mappings will map one to one, but be cautious not writing different formats when using the custom applications VS using this driver.