
Solutions to all 25 Advent of Code 2022 problems in Python with a dash of Rust. :snake: :crab:

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Advent of Code 2022 🎄

Solutions to all 25 Advent of Code 2022 puzzles mostly written in Python (in an attempt to get back some Python foo) save for days 12 and 24 which involve Dijsktra's algorithm so had to be done in Rust to re-use the generic implementation from last year. 🐍 🦀

Thanks @ericwastl for providing the challenge.


./run.sh   # sequential run of all days
./par.sh   # parallel run of all days
./run.sh [INTERPETER] # sequential run of all days using specified INTERPRETER (eg. pypy)
./par.sh [INTERPETER] # parallel run of all days using specified INTERPRETER (eg. pypy)