
Badge for R Package

Primary LanguageR

badger: Badge for R Package

Query information and generate badge for using in README and GitHub Pages.


Guangchuang YU https://guangchuangyu.github.io

School of Basic Medical Sciences, Southern Medical University



Get the released version from CRAN:


Or the development version from github:

## install.packages("devtools")


Package Version

  • release version (bioconductor)
    • syntax: `r badge_bioc_release("ggtree", "green")`
    • badge:
  • release version (CRAN)
    • syntax: `r badge_cran("badger", "orange")`
    • badge:
  • devel version
    • syntax: `r badge_devel("guangchuangyu/ggtree", "blue")`
    • badge:

Download stats for bioconductor

  • Total of total :)
    • syntax: `r badge_bioc_download("clusterProfiler", "total", "blue", "total")`
    • badge:
  • Total of distinct IPs
    • syntax: `r badge_bioc_download("clusterProfiler", "total", "yellow")`
    • badge:
  • Monthly download of distinct IPs
    • syntax: `r badge_bioc_download("clusterProfiler", "month", "green")`
    • badge:

Download stats for CRAN

  • Total downloads
    • syntax: `r badge_cran_download("badger", "grand-total", "blue")`
    • badge:
  • Monthly Downloads
    • syntax: `r badge_cran_download("badger", "last-month", "green")`
    • badge:
  • Weekly Downloads
    • syntax: `r badge_cran_download("badger", "last-week", "yellow")`
    • badge:


  • Altmetric score
    • syntax: `r badge_altmetric("10533079", "green")`
    • badge:


  • DOI
    • syntax: `r badge_doi("10.1111/2041-210X.12628", "yellow")`
    • badge:

Customize badge

  • syntax: `r badge_custom("1st most cited paper", "in OMICS", "blue", "http://online.liebertpub.com/action/showMostCitedArticles?journalCode=omi")`
  • badge:


  • Lifecycle
    • syntax: `r badge_lifecycle("maturing", "blue")`
    • badge:
  • travis build-status
    • syntax: `r badge_travis("rstudio/rmarkdown")`
    • badge:
  • coveralls code coverage
    • syntax: `r badge_coveralls("google/benchmark")`
    • badge:
  • code size
    • syntax: `r badge_code_size("GuangchuangYu/badger")`
    • badge:
  • last commit date
    • syntax: `r badge_last_commit("GuangchuangYu/badger")`
    • badge:
  • direct and recursive dependencies (for CRAN pkgs)
    • syntax: `r badge_dependencies("badger")`
    • badge: Dependencies
  • CRAN checks results
    • syntax: `r badge_cran_checks("badger")`
    • badge: CRAN checks

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