Take a birthday and make some art!
This is the repository for the Data Art workshop that I did at the Curtain Raiser for DesignUp 2017. This hands-on workshop was used as a follow up to my talk introducing each type of medium of data with a few examples.
Birthdays are unique to each person, and we (try to!) remember birthdays of those closed to us as well — thus making them a personal yet easy to use dataset. It also leads to interesting conversations (“How does your birthday look like?”) and a visual exploration can exhibit interesting patterns (“Looks like you were born in the same year!”).
The workshop was focused on doing things by hand (inspired by the Conditional Design workshops), thus removing the barrier to know programming for designing systems and creating data art. But creative coding can enable you to create much more, and I’ll be exploring this next.
Photos by the awesome Prabin Pebam