
traces [Mandelrot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set) fractal orbits.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Orbit Tracer

This program traces Mandelrot fractal orbits.
There are two modes

UI mode

With this mode you can trace orbits by clicking on the pixels within the window.

  • Clicking (or holding down) the left mouse button draws that points orbit in red
  • Dragging with the middle mouse button moves the rendered image

CLI mode

With this mode you can render the fractal image to a PNG file

>OrbitTracer.exe -h

OrbitTracer [options] (filename / prefix)
 --help / -h                       Show this help
 -d (width) (height)               Size of image output images in pixels
 -r (resolution)                   Scale factor (Default: 200. 400 = 2x bigger)
 -o                                Output orbits instead of nebulabrot
                                    (Warning: produces one image per coordinate)