
Time tracking you can host anywhere. Full export support in multiple formats and easily extensible.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Travis Coveralls license Gitter

Time tracking you can host anywhere. Full export support in multiple formats and easily extensible.



This app is currently very unstable. Everything may, and probably will, change. All migrations are going to be wiped and setup properly before release 1.0 so you will not be able to upgrade to 1.0 from early development.


There is a demo instance of Timestrap on Heroku that resets every 10 minutes.

Superuser Credentials

All installations and the demo create a superuser to get you started, if this is a production deployment you will want to change these.

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

Heroku Installation

The easiest way to run Timestrap and the only installation that I can actively support since I use it myself in production.


For manual deployments to Heroku, make sure to create two environmental variables before pushing using heroku config:set:

heroku config:set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=timestrap.settings.heroku
heroku config:set SECRET_KEY=ChangeMeToSomethingRandom

Docker Installation

This creates a minimal docker server setup for Timestrap. This currently is in development and may not have persistent data without fiddling. Any help to improve the docker configuration files would be appreciated.

Docker Requirements

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Docker Compose is used for running multiple containers since we require a PostgreSQL database and, not yet but soon, a Redis server for messages and events.

Docker Running

Make sure to update the environmental variables in docker-compose.yml and check the timestrap/settings/docker.py file to see if you'd like to change anything then run:

sudo docker-compose up --detach

To migrate the database, create your first superuser, and create the initial site configuration you then need to run:

sudo docker-compose exec web python3 manage.py migrate --settings=timestrap.settings.docker

The Timestrap application should now be running on port 80 of whatever system you ran these commands on, if you ran this locally then that would be http://localhost/.

Docker Data

All data should be stored in the timestrap_db volume. If you wish to rebuild Timestrap at the latest you can do the following from the timestrap repo you cloned:

git pull
sudo docker-compose stop
sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker-compose up --detach
sudo docker-compose exec web python3 manage.py migrate --settings=timestrap.settings.docker

All data will be kept during this process and you'll have the latest version of Timestrap.

Development Installation

If you'd like to contribute code to Timestrap you'll need to do this!

Development Requirements

  • Python 3.5+
  • Python Dev
  • Node 8+
  • pipenv
  • npm
  • Firefox
  • geckodriver

Python 3.5+ is required because we use async/await with Channels to support WebSockets and add realtime updates to the client. Python Dev is not required on macOS but if you are on Linux, like Ubuntu, you will need to install it with sudo apt install python3-dev.

Node 8+ isn't exactly required, you might be able to get away with an older version and we only use node for building the client.

You'll probably need to install pipenv with pip, run pip install pipenv to get this. It's just a better python package manager that allows us to lock our dependencies.

Node installs npm by default but you may want to install the latest with npm install --global npm.

Firefox is used for functional/selenium tests in conjunction with geckodriver, you can get geckodriver from mozilla's offical releases or you might be able to install it with your systems package manager. Brew on macOS has this with brew install geckodriver. If you have to download it manually make sure to extract it in some sort of bin directory e.g. /usr/local/bin/.

Development Setup

Once you have all of the above you can get started! For the global npm install on gulp-cli you may need to run this with sudo depending on how you installed everything above.

npm install --global gulp-cli
npm install
pipenv install --dev

After all the dependencies install you can migrate the database and run the server.

gulp manage:migrate

If you'd like to have some sample data to work with you can run gulp manage:fake after you run gulp manage:migrate.

Timestrap should now be running at http://localhost:8000 and gulp + django's test server will automatically recognize and recompile changes to any file allowing for quick modification and review.

Once you've made your changes you can test with gulp coverage:development and if that is successful and you want to share your changes create a pull request!

Development Commands

I've prebuilt a variety of build commands for development, you can see a list of them by running gulp --tasks and I will breifly cover some of them here.

  • gulp Will run a webserver with django and build the client with webpack
  • gulp lint Will check all code for style consistency
  • gulp manage:makemigrations Will generate new migrations if models changes
  • gulp manage:migrate Makes sure there is a superuser, runs migrations
  • gulp manage:fake Adds a bunch of fake data for testing
  • gulp manage:reset Resets the database and adds fake data with a superuser
  • gulp coverage:development Lints, runs tests, shows coverage report

User Permissions

You can edit and add new users on the admin panel at /admin/auth/user/. You will need to give new users permissions based on the access you wish them to have. If you wish someone be able to see all clients and projects to be able to add them to an entry, but not edit or delete them, you need to give them view permissions under User permissions. These would be core | project | Can view project and core | client | Can view client.



By default we don't enable TLS/SSL features since this project is often run on an intranet, locally, or in testing environments. If security is a concern of yours, and it should be, you will need to enable TLS/SSL on your reverse proxy and setup a certificate there. On Heroku you can run heoku certs:auto:enable to get a free LetsEncrypt certificate.

You will need to configure two settings when you use TLS/SSL on this project. The first is to force TLS/SSL when people visit your site and the second is to make sure that Django REST framework returns corrected URLs behind a reverse proxy. These can be added to timestrap/settings/base.py anywhere:



Email configuration options are available from the Timestrap admin on a per-site basis. These settings must be supplied to support features such as password reset. To access the settings, navigate to /admin/sites/site/ and select the site to modify.

Email Docker

You can configure email by setting environmental variables in the docker-compose config for web. These would be:

  • EMAIL_PORT defaults to port 25
  • EMAIL_USE_TLS defaults to False, you can set this to True

These would go where the SECRET_KEY environmental variable is set

Email Heroku

You can add sendgrid to your apps addons on the Heroku admin panel or by running:

heroku addons:create sendgrid

Time and Date Localization

Language and timezone settings are available on a per-site basis in the site configuration area (/admin/sites/site/). Timestrap uses Moment.js on the frontend so localization will be applied to all dates based on these settings. We'd like to eventually have localization of everything.


Timestrap takes advantage of Django's "sites" framework to support running multiple Timestrap "sites" from a single instance of the application. This an optional enhancement, and the base Timestrap application will work fine as a single site without any advanced configuration.

Single Site

Out of the box, Timestrap is a single site using the fake domain time.strap and name Timestrap. Both the name and the domain name are configurable on the admin.

Any domain will fall back to the default site, but it is recommended to at least set the site domain setting be updated to match the actual site domain since emails will use this domain when sending.

Multiple Sites

Timestrap supports setting up multiple sites with configurations options available on a per-site basis. This functionality may be useful if, for example, there is a need to separate departments or functional teams within a larger group of organization.

Sites can be managed by any user with admin access and appropriate permissions: either superuser or the various site and conf permissions. Sites are based on domain and use two primary settings, domain and name in addition to the various configuration options available.

Data Sharing

All Timestrap data will be related to either one or multiple sites.

  • Clients and Tasks can be related to multiple sites.
  • Entries can be related to a single site.

Data with a single-site relationship will automatically be related to the site it was entered on. This settings can be changed from the admin site.

Currently, multiple site relationships can only be controlled from the admin site. To use a Client or Task on multiple sites, it must be added to one site and then modified in the admin site to be related to additional sites.

Example: Big Project Builders, Inc.

Big Project Builders, Inc. (BPB) uses Timestrap to keep track of its progress for various projects & clients. However, with many different teams a single Timestrap instance would have a lot of data and it may come difficulty for individual employees to keep track of progress. So BPB decides to break the instance in to multiple sites -

  • timestrap.bpb.io is the primary instance site, where admin superusers add the Clients and Projects that BPB is working on.
  • design.timestrap.bpb.io is used by BPB's designers to assign and track graphics and design work for projects.
  • development.timestrap.bpb.io is used by BPB's developers to assign and track project development.
  • testing.timestrap.bpb.io is used bu BPB's testing team to record time spent executing and reporting on project tests.