
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an early prototype of a language/editor for web development. It is implemented as an MPS language.

Components are compiled to Svelte-compatible JavaScript module.

The compiled components can be used as any other Svelte components:

  1. Imported from other svelte components:
      import Nested from './languages/ce3/sandbox/source_gen/ce3/sandbox/Nested';
    <Nested time={10} />
  2. Instantiated from the main js file:
    import Main from './languages/ce3/sandbox/source_gen/ce3/sandbox/Main';
    const app = new Main({
      target: document.body,

builtin components

For ce3 to know about a native html tag, it must be declared as a builtin component. Some tags are declared in ce3 > accessories > ce3.components.builtin. Feel free to add more if you need them.


  1. Clone submodules
    git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Run
    npm install
  3. Open project in MPS-2019.2
  4. Run Make Project
  5. Run
    npm run build
  6. Open index.html