
BusinessTime is a class that use the native PHP DateTime class for operation within business hours.

Primary LanguagePHP


BusinessTime is a Static class that use the native PHP DateTime class for operation within business hours.


First of all, you need to configure the working hours for each days of week.

  '$days' is an array of days of week (0: sunday), and each of then can have one or more range of working time.
  All of BusinessTime logic is based on these ranges.

  If a day is without any range, it's considered not a working day.


 // For instance, in a case where weekdays have two ranges (08:00 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 17:30):

$days = [
    ['08:00', '12:00'], ['13:30', '17:30']
    ['08:00', '12:00'], ['13:30', '17:30']
    ['08:00', '12:00'], ['13:30', '17:30']
    ['08:00', '12:00'], ['13:30', '17:30']
    ['08:00', '12:00'], ['13:30', '17:30']


/* Then, configure the BusinessTime with 'setDays' method */



getWorkingHours (DateTime $from, DateTime $to)

Get the working hours between two working DateTime.

return Float

addWorkingHours (DateTime $datetime, Float $hours)

Add working hours to a DateTime.

return DateTime

isWorkingDay (DateTime $datetime)

Check if a DateTime is a working day.

This method check if this DateTime is a holiday and if it has at least one range of working time setted.
Return false if one of these conditions is satisfied.

return Bool

moveToNextWorkingDay (DateTime $datetime)

Go to the beginning of the next working day.

This method will necessarily move, at least, to the next working day.

return Bool
