SDA bibliography

Please follow the steps below in order to add your bib entries on sda bibliography.

  • Fork the repository.

  • Clone the forked repository.

    git clone
    cd SDA-Publications
  • Open sda.bib with JabRef or a compatible editor and add your entries.

  • Entries must contain the keywords tag and the entries must follow the guidelines described below.

    • The keywords are used to render a list of publications on the SDA website for each person, group and each project. In order for publications to show up in the correct lists, please pick a consistent keyword schema:
      • All papers from one person should have a common keyword, for example the last name.
      • All papers from one project should have a common keyword, such as the project name or an abbreviation thereof.
      • All papers from one group should have a common keyword (e.g Distributed Semantic Analytics -> DSA, Semantic Question Answering -> SQA, Structured Machine Learning -> SML, Knowledge Graph Analysis -> KGA, Software Engineering for Data Science -> SEEDS, Semantic Data Management -> SDM)
  • Entries should contain the URL tag with a free and direct PDF link (use a preprint version if the published one is not openly available).

  • New entries should follow roughly the formatting of existing entries. If you add them with JabRef this will be taken care of automatically. Different versions of JabRef may produce a slightly different layout, but that is OK.

  • Push your changes to your fork of the repository after you are sure that sda.bib is still valid bibtex.

    git add sda.bib
    git commit -m "Add paperX bib entry"
    git push
  • Submit a pull request (PR).