Memory Game Project

Table of Contents


I have completed this project as a requierment of my Udacity Nanodegree. It was a bit of a challenge but I enjoyed it. It is a memory card game like the concentration game many have played as children. You click

Want to play

If you like to take a look at the project go to this url .

What I Learned

setTimeout & setInterval

I learned a great deal about the call stack with this project. Creating a timer really tests the limitations of the synchronous nature of the javaScript coding language. SetTimeout & SetInterval really gave me difficulties during the project. I used the debugging tools in I feel way more comfortable now after attacking that hurtle when it comes to making different sets of code fire at different times. This also is a huge part of the simple animations that I added to the project. I know that SetTimeout & SetInterval will be a huge part of creating the cool animations that I plan on making through out my career.

const & let

I fully understand the new JS ES6 "harmony" usage of const and let. I have prior experience with constants from my time coding in Java and I always wondered why JavaScript had not implemented them. I You use constants for variables that don't need to change while using let for variables that do in fact change. You don't need var any more and if you are confused just use letit bascially does the same things as var.

manipulating the DOM

classList are your friend. They allow you to get, make changes to and add classes to element on the DOM. This project demanded creating elements either through the concatenation of strings or the use of querySelectorAll andcreateElement().

What I enjoyed

The dynamic of using CSS classes coupled with JavaScript's ability to manipulate the DOM was quite fun I really feel that I can hack a web page now and make it do just about anything I want it to.


This project is a continuation of a starter project through the Udacity program. I would suggest using the starter project that they provide, not mine.

Though if you would like to learn from how I attacked the project just fork this project to your repo.


This instance of the project was done by me Rashad J Madison

some credit to SARAH DRASNERL I used her code for some of my animations.

I will most likely not accept pull requests. For details, check out