
Safari Books Online Video Downloder Extension to Google Chrome

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Safari (SBO) Chrome Video Extension

Where SBO refers to Safari Books Online (copyrights reserved)

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This extension can be used for both new safari site and old site (techbus) to download the videos (but only if you have a registered account at Safari books online)

The Old website (techbus)

The old website the one that have the domain name: techbus.safaribooksonline.com.

Once you have the extension installed, and you click on any video course, after a while (5 seconds) you will see a little red icon beside each video lesson allow you to download the video (see the picture).

The new website

The new webiste that have the domain name: www.safaribooksonline.com

In case of the new website and after installing the extension and one you opened the video course main page that have the Table of Contents section, you first need to click on load unsafe scripts.

Then now you can enjoy the video downloads by clicking the little red icon beside each video lesson allow you to download the video (see the picture).

Have issue?

Feel free to contact me via [opening an issue] (https://github.com/mhewedy/SBO-video-extension/issues/new), email or any mean if you need any help.