Firefose is a Firebase object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
Use the package manager npm to install Firefose.
npm install firefose --save
yarn add firefose
// Using Node.js
const firefose = require('firefose');
// Using ES6 imports
import firefose from 'firefose';
You can connect to Firefose using services account key from firebase. Details of admin account SDK can be found here.
Connect methods has 2 parameters.
- credentials- which should be an object with following keys.
- project_id: (required)
- private_key: (required)
- client_email: (required)
- type: (optional)
- private_key_id: (optional)
- client_id: (optional)
- auth_uri: (optional)
- token_uri: (optional)
- auth_provider_x509_cert_url: (optional)
- client_x509_cert_url: (optional)
const {connect} = require('firefose');
const credentials = {
type: 'type',
project_id: "project_id",
private_key_id: "private_key_id",
private_key: "private_key",
client_email: "client_email",
client_id: "client_id",
auth_uri: "auth_uri",
token_uri: "token_uri",
auth_provider_x509_cert_url: "auth_provider_x509_cert_url",
client_x509_cert_url: "client_x509_cert_url"
await connect(credentials, "databaseURI")
Firefose supports following data types.
- String: string
- Number: number (integer or float)
- Boolean: boolean
- Object: Javascript object
- Array: Javascript array
- Date: Javascript date
- ObjectId: Reference to other schema
Next you can build schema. Schema constructor has 2 parameters.
- Schema Definations - Each Key in schema can have following properties.
- type: Type from Firefose types
- required (optional): Boolean indicatiing if the field is required
- default (optional): Any data type specifying default value
- ref (optional): string reference of to other schemas
- Options (optional)
- Timestamp: Boolean value (Default false)
const {Schema} = require('firefose');
const {SchemaTypes} = require('firefose');
const {String, Number, Array} = SchemaTypes;
const userSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true
email: {
type: String,
required: true
active: {
type: Number,
default: 1
password: {
type: String,
required: true
}, {timestamp: true});
You can create model from the schema. It requires 2 parameters.
- collection: String value for the firestore collection
- schema: An instance of Schema.
const {Model} = require('firefose');
const User = new Model("users", userSchema);
Model object has following methods
This methods creates a document in the respective firestore collection.
- data: An object of the data to be stored in firestore
- docId (optional): String value for the document id
- A promise of the data stored in the firestore collection
const data = await User.create({name: "John Doe", email: "", password: "123456"});
id: 'kWVzukkK2XXqhmJkS6Lb',
name: 'John Doe',
email: '',
password: '123456',
active: 1
This methods returns a single document from the collection.
- id: id of the document
- Promise of the data from collection
const data = await User.findById('kWVzukkK2XXqhmJkS6Lb');
id: 'kWVzukkK2XXqhmJkS6Lb',
name: 'John Doe',
email: '',
active: 1,
password: '123456'
This method can be used to get one or more documents from firestore.
- query: An object of type Query (You can find the documentation of query at the end) Returns
- Promise of the data from collection
Different usages of this method are as following:
//returns all the posts in collection
const query = new Query();
const posts = Post.find(query);
id: 'qXdmXL1ebnE2aAMRJLBt',
user: { id: 'NLQklOyIeP6FChAPtMck' },
createdAt: 2022-06-20T14:17:53.986Z,
updatedAt: 2022-06-20T14:17:53.986Z,
content: 'This is a test post',
title: 'Hello World 2'
id: 'zHsHFjSQ0MCcrIgnilN1',
user: { id: 'NLQklOyIeP6FChAPtMck' },
title: 'Hello World',
createdAt: 2022-06-20T14:16:04.658Z,
updatedAt: 2022-06-20T17:35:34.088Z,
content: 'content updated'
// returns conditional data
const query = new Query()
.where('title', '==', 'Hello World')
.orderBy('createdAt', 'desc')
const data = await User.find(query);
id: 'TBI3l7bp0YCNZfoOlKuR',
active: 1,
email: 'sdfsdfsdf',
name: 'John Doe',
password: '123456'
// returns posts populated with users
const query = new Query()
const posts = await Post.find(query);
id: 'qXdmXL1ebnE2aAMRJLBt',
updatedAt: 2022-06-20T14:17:53.986Z,
content: 'This is a test post',
createdAt: 2022-06-20T14:17:53.986Z,
user: {
id: 'NLQklOyIeP6FChAPtMck',
posts: 'aa',
email: 'sdfsdfsdf',
name: 'jack',
password: '123456',
active: 1
title: 'Hello World 2'
id: 'zHsHFjSQ0MCcrIgnilN1',
content: 'content updated',
updatedAt: 2022-06-20T17:35:34.088Z,
title: 'Hello World',
user: {
id: 'NLQklOyIeP6FChAPtMck',
password: '123456',
name: 'jack',
email: 'sdfsdfsdf',
posts: 'aa',
active: 1
createdAt: 2022-06-20T14:16:04.658Z
This method can be used to update the content of an existing document in collection.
- id: Id of the document
- data: Data to be updated
- Promise of the id
const data = await User.updateById('TBI3l7bp0YCNZfoOlKuR', {password: 'new password'});
This method can be used to update one or more documents from firestore.
- query: An object of type Query (You can find the documentation of query at the end) Returns
- Promise of the data from collection
// updates all the documents in collection
const query = new Query()
query.where('title', '==', 'Helo World');
const result = await Posts.update(query, { name: 'Updated Title' })
id: 'qXdmXL1ebnE2aAMRJLBt',
updatedAt: 2022-06-20T14:17:53.986Z,
content: 'This is a test post',
createdAt: 2022-06-20T14:17:53.986Z,
user: {
id: 'NLQklOyIeP6FChAPtMck',
posts: 'aa',
email: 'sdfsdfsdf',
name: 'jack',
password: '123456',
active: 1
title: 'Updated Title'
This method can be used to delete an existing document in collection.
- id: Id of the document
- Promise of the id
const data = await User.deleteById('TBI3l7bp0YCNZfoOlKuR');
This method can be used to delete one or more documents from firestore.
- query: An object of type Query (You can find the documentation of query at the end) Returns
- Promise of the ids of data from collection
// delete all the documents in collection
const query = new Query()
query.where('title', '==', 'Helo World');
const result = await Posts.delete(query)
// [ 'qXdmXL1ebnE2aAMRJLBt', 'zHsHFjSQ0MCcrIgnilN1' ]
You can create model from the schema. It requires 2 parameters.
- collection: String value for the firestore collection
- schema: An instance of Schema.
const query = new Query();
Query object has following methods
This method can be used to add where clause to the query.
- field: Name of the field which should be s string
- operator: Operator to be used which should be
- ==
- !=
- <
- <=
- >
- >=
- array-contains
- in
- array-contains-any
- not-in
- value: Value to be compared
- query object
const query = new Query();
query.where('name', '==', 'John Doe');
This method can be used to add order by clause to the query.
- field: Name of the field which should be s string
- direction: Direction of the order which should be
- asc
- desc
- query object
const query = new Query();
query.orderBy('name', 'asc');
This method can be used to add limit clause to the query.
- limit: Number of documents to be returned
- query object
const query = new Query();
This method can be used to add offset clause to the query.
- offset: Number of documents to be skipped
- query object
const query = new Query();
This method can be used to add populate clause to the query while finding documents.
- field: Name of the field which should be s string
- query object
const query = new Query();
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.