- 1
nginx.conf on a Linux server
#373 opened by kriki200 - 2
Wanted to request an English version of DBI but author only accepts messages on Telegram from premium users
#403 opened by cadamsdotcom - 0
Italian Language
#402 opened by Azhatoth-777 - 0
750 portugues?
#401 opened by r3nfolly - 0
DBI I want to change the language
#400 opened by Kyle-Yw4-switch - 3
MTP responsder not working
#387 opened by UNAUX1 - 1
New international release (english)
#399 opened by Ch3ck3rM0n - 3
- 0
Add support for caddy webserver (file_Server)
#398 opened by DerDominik - 23
#370 opened by 3n0l - 1
English version
#389 opened by torion1974 - 1
- 1
feature request : language file support
#396 opened by hawkeye73 - 2
#397 opened by torion1974 - 2
License of dbibackend
#360 opened by mvlassis - 0
NotImplementedError: Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform
#395 opened by adriman22 - 24
WARNING all versions of dbi are possible infected by malware that can brick your console
#383 opened by dandud100 - 2
- 4
- 1
Installing a game (XCI) via DBI Backend results in a corrupted installation
#391 opened by dothackjhe - 1
How the saves are actually placed on the sd?
#390 opened by gr13nka - 2
Protection against OLED screen burn-in
#386 opened by g1nt0 - 8
i can help Feature for lang
#378 opened by Kronos2308 - 1
- 4
- 1
Is a spanish DBI possible?
#385 opened by PABLOPMAR - 0
Using SSH keys for SFTP
#384 opened by Spookdot - 2
German version? Maybe?
#375 opened by HeikesFootSlave - 0
712 is the 710 ver
#376 opened by josete2k - 2
ENG version
#377 opened by pegast73 - 3
DE Version possible?
#380 opened by Heib386 - 0
Spanish dbi request if possible
#381 opened by Vorffeed - 1
Waiting interface to be ready - FAIL
#379 opened by Diogo-Pinto - 0
How can I help you with the translation?
#382 opened by Lizardsoft - 1
Warum nur noch Russ fu...k Russen
#374 opened by KittyBua - 1
- 2
Check for title updates not appearing on menu
#363 opened by lsilvatti - 8
Unable to install any nsp
#366 opened by Backston32 - 0
Mtp not working with Qnap NAS
#369 opened by pankosoknap - 1
support more than one sftp/ftp server?
#365 opened by Di9 - 1
- 0
Problem with FTP server
#367 opened by maximiliendavid - 1
FTP Client very very slow
#356 opened by riccardospeggiorin-centropaghe - 6
DBI 678-ru
#362 opened by R3m0ved - 2
Stuck in "Calculating install size..."
#353 opened by laleeroy - 0
arch dbibackend
#361 opened by VamPikmin - 0
I would like to make a suggestion
#359 opened by MakerLS - 0
System info Battery age explained.
#357 opened by voronind-com - 0
Installation Aborted
#355 opened by Gervi2k - 0