
Recommended Learning Materials for Microsoft Azure, .NET Development , Infrastructure as Code, Azure DevOps, DevSecOps, etc.by Jonah Andersson

Recommended Learning Materials for .NET + Azure Development + Infrastructure as Code (IaC) + Azure DevOps + DevSecOps + Security in Azure + Developer Inspiration 💡

Learning Resources for  NET, Azure, etc

Learning Materials for Microsoft Azure, .NET Development, Azure DevOps, Developer Inspiration compilation

by Jonah Andersson + community contributors

This list is recommended to those who are still in the beginning of their learning journey as developers in Azure, .NET, DevOps, etc.


This is a compilation of the list of recommended learning resources for the following great topics:

  • C# Programming and .NET development
  • Cloud Development with Microsoft Azure
  • Azure DevOps & GitHub
  • Cross-platform Development
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Automation with Bicep, Terraform on Azure and other cloud providers
  • General Developer / Engineer Guide for Beginners
  • DevSecOps on Azure
  • Azure Security References

NOTE: Click link by opening it on a new tab 😊

C# Programming and .NET Development

Cloud Development with Microsoft Azure

Azure DevOps & GitHub

Cloud Security, Azure Security, DevSecOps Fundamentals

Learn-by-Doing Learning Paths, Urls, Repos and Courses

Keep-Yourself-Inspired and Updated List

Recommended Azure and .NET User Group Communities

Recommended Certifications for .NET, Azure, Infrastructure as Code, DevOps

Free and Complimentary e-Books


If you are interested to add more into this list, please feel free to create a branch and send a pull request request or reach out to me on LinkedIn or Twitter. I would love some contributions from the tech communities if I missed any.

Share to friends or colleagues who might find this list useful in their developer journey 😊


If you have questions regarding this repo and materials, please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or Twitter