
A demo backstage app for KubeVela.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This is your newly scaffolded Backstage App, Good Luck!

Run Locally

Configure the KubeVela Plugin Endpoint

You need to run the backstage-plugin-kubevela first before running the backstage app.

Configure the vela.host and backend.reading.allow below, pointing to the kubevela plugin endpoint.

  host: ""
  # frequency is the refresh rate for the Vela API, default to 60 seconds, the unit is seconds
  frequency: 30
  # timeout is the timeout limit for the Vela API, default to 600 seconds, the unit is seconds
  timeout: 60

      - host:

Start Backstage App

To start the app, run:

yarn install
yarn dev

Visiting by: "".

Build Docker Image

Follow the host build doc: https://backstage.io/docs/deployment/docker#host-build . You must run the following commands before docker build.

yarn install --frozen-lockfile

# tsc outputs type definitions to dist-types/ in the repo root, which are then consumed by the build
yarn tsc

# Build the backend, which bundles it all up into the packages/backend/dist folder.
yarn build:backend
  • Build and Run Image
docker build . -t wonderflow/backstage
docker run -p 7007:7007 wonderflow/backstage

Use Entity Provider for Vela Integrations

We will leverage the external integrations mechanism and works as a Custom Entity Providers.

We will run a go sever as plugin to connect to Kubernetes API and request vela applications, it provides an API endpoint for serving entities for backstage app.

  • If you want to test it, you need to run it locally.
  • If you use this backstage as KubeVela addon, just replace the image and update the addon.

As a result, we need to follow the Creating an Entity Provider guide to customize.