
Distributed Systems Proj 1 Git Repo

Primary LanguageJava

Distributed Systems Project 1

The goal of this project is to implement Raymond's Algorithm in the a distributed environment, such as Amazon Web Services EC2 Instances.

To run the code complete the following steps.

Initial Set up

When reviewing your EC2 instance, add a security rule to allow all port access. Make sure you can reach the distributed networks

ping <server_address>

To install git

sudo yum install git

To update java

sudo yum install java-1.8.0

For compiling java

sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

To remove older java

sudo yum remove java-1.7.0-openjdk

If you wish to keep the old java version, use the following to determine the default versions to use

sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --config java

And for the default compiler

sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --config javac

To pull the git repository

JAR Files

In the DistributedSysProject1 directory, to run a Single Threaded Server instance, (where other processes are blocked)

java -jar Server.jar <port_number>

To run a Multi-threaded Server instance where multiple clients can access the system at a time

java -jar MultiThread.jar <port_number>

To run a Client instance

java -jar Client.jar <host_address> <port_number>