
This PowerBI project aims to identify telecom customers at risk of terminating their contracts, enabling the retention department to take preemptive action and reduce churn rate.

Pwc Switzerland - Power BI Virtual Case experience - Customer Churn Analysis

About Project :

To proactively identify telecom customers at risk of terminating their contracts, enabling the retention department to take preemptive action and reduce churn. Highlighting specific customer segments or individuals requiring immediate attention. Including valuable information and data on customer behavior and termination patterns.

Datasource :

Dataset used for this task was presented by Pwc Switzerland and can be downloaded directly from here.

🛠 Tools & Technologies Used in project :

▪ Power BI Desktop

▪ MS Excel

▪ PowerPoint (For Dashboard background design)

Data Modeling :

Transformed Data using Power Query editor.






Insights :

▪ 2955 Technical tickets and 3632 admin tickets were opened.

▪ Majority of customers did not sign up for Technical Support and Online Security Services.

▪ Customers with One-year and Two-year contract have been with company for long, but for month-to-month contract it was opposite.

▪ Churn rate is nearly around 27% and yearly charges is $16.06M charges and Monthly Charges is $456.12K.

▪ Both male and female are departing the company in same proportion due to high churn rate.

▪ Most of the Churned customers including Senior Citizen preferred Electronic Check as the payment method.

▪ Customers with Fibre Optic Internet Service have a higher churn rate compared to those with DSL Internet Service.

Recommendation :

▪ Encourage customers to subscribe to One-Year and Two-Year contracts, offering incentives to mitigate the higher monthly costs.

▪ Implement targeted discounts for Month-to-Month subscribers to enhance retention.

▪ Educate customers on the benefits of signing up for Online Security and Tech Support to improve service stickiness.