React renderer to build Node.js server
It's the only crazy idea to use React to structure Backend on Node.js.
How it works?
It works with express.js framework to run Node.js server. Custom renderer we have is building express structure app from React Components.
Code Example
import React from 'react';
import { resolve } from 'path';
import { ReactXpress, App, Static, Router, Get, Post, Res } from '../lib';
const HomePage = () => <h1>Home page</h1>;
const AboutPage = () => <h1>About Page</h1>;
const ExpressApp = () => (
<App port={process.env.PORT || 8080}>
<Static publicPath="/public" />
<Router path="/">
<Get render={HomePage} />
<Get path="/about" render={AboutPage} />
<Router path="/api">
json={{ msg: 'It is okay, bro' }}
handler={(req) => console.log(req.originalUrl)}
<Updates />
<Get path="*" text="Not Found" status={404} />
// Updates! 🤩
const Updates = () => (
<Get path="/redirect">
<Res.Redirect statusCode={301} path="" />
<Post path="/json">
<Res.Status statusCode={401} />
<Res.Content json={{ msg: 'No Access' }} contentType="application/json" />
<Get path="/send-file">
<Res.SendFile path={resolve('public/code-example.png')} onError={console.log} />
<Get path="/render">
<Res.Render component={() => <h1>Shut Up And Take My Money!</h1>} />
ReactXpress.render(<ExpressApp />);
How to use
- Clone the repo
npm install
- Run dev mode -
npm run dev
- Do all changes in
folder as it's not library yet.
<App />
- App Instance (props: port)
<Static />
- Static route (props: publicPath, path, options)
<Router />
- Router-Provider (props: path)
<Get />, <Post /> and ...
- Route component (props: path, content, handler, status)
<Res />
- Response components
<Res.Render />
- Render (props: component)
<Res.Content />
- Response send (props: json, text, contentType)
<Res.Status />
- Response Status (props: statusCode)
<Res.SendFile />
- Response Send File (props: path, options, onError)
<Res.Redirect />
- Redirect (props: path, statusCode)
What is planning?
I work on it and I'm trying to improve it, even it's not a good idea to use this kinda renderer for real-world app. But It would be awesome to have contributors to make its DX much better.
Contact me
Email me if you have any idea and you would like to be contributor