
The exercise is to write a command line driven text search engine in the language you feel most comfortable with. Examples of the usage would be: python ​ or java​ -jar ​​ ​​ ​ This should read all the text files in the given directory, building an ​in-memory​ representation of the files and their contents, and then give a command prompt at which interactive searches can be performed. An example session might look like: $ java -jar SimpleSearch.jar Searcher /foo/bar 14 files read in directory /foo/bar search> to be or not to be file1.txt:100% file2.txt:90% search> search> cats no matches found search> :quit $ The search should take the words given on the prompt and return a list of the top 10 (maximum) matching filenames in rank order, giving the rank score against each match. Note:​ ​ ​We would like to see a working console application, please focus your attention on the search algorithm and the basic console functionality (you can assume that the input strings are sane).


The rank score must be 100% if a file contains all the words

● It must be 0% if it contains none of the words

● It should be between 0 and 100 if it contains only some of the words, but the exact ranking

formula is up to you to choose and implement

How to

The application was built using Java11 and streams-lambda feataures, also has implemented unit test for the services classes using mockito and junit 5.

How to run the application

  1. In the main directory run the command mvn clean install, with this command you'll generate a jar file in the target directory.
  2. You can copy and paste this .jar file (command-line-driven-text-search-engine-0.0.1.jar) in any directory you want and you must create a folder called resources.
  3. Open a terminal in the folder and execute the command: java -jar command-line-driven-text-search-engine-0.0.1.jar resources.
  4. You can start searching the words you want, by writing them in the console. You must see a console with the search> word, and you can start typing the words that you want to look for inside the files.