To-Do List
To-Do list is a simple, single-page web application that allows users to keep track of pending and completed tasks in order not to miss anything. Features
Create a new task with a priority level (set task status: unfinished)
Three priority levels available based on the critically
Restrict creating duplicate tasks based on the composite key(task name, priority level and the status)
Mark unfinished tasks as completed
Delete unfinished tasks
View the list of unfinished and completed tasks
Responsive design
Technologies used:
Backend: Springboot, Java8, PostgreSQL(Heroku Cloud Database), Swagger-UI, JUnit, RestAPI
Frontend: ReactJS, Material-UI, Bootstrap, Font-Awesome, Axios, HTML, CSS
The application will run with the embedded apache tomcat server.
Run-on default port ID (8080)
And Swagger UI enabled for this application, and you can reach the Swagger UI, using http://host:8080/swagger-ui.html.
npm start o react-scripts start
Run-on *http://localhost:3000
Further improvements and suggestions
Backend service
Write more test cases. Example: validation, exceptions, etc
Implement Spring security features
Capture date-time when creating a new task
Additional feature - task management with user login
Create audit logs for task update and deletion
Manage server log
Mock data for testing
Front end web application
Implement OOP concepts and test cases
Parameterise common data
Better to have a task edit
Facility to view user wise audit log (history)
Multiple task completion and deletion
Implement task search