
ottorask.com, my personal website

Primary LanguageSCSS


My personal website. Contains a blog and some content pages. Built with Zola.


Requires Zola (formerly Gutenberg). Clone this repository and inside it run

$ zola build

To build a production version use

$ zola --config ./config.production.toml build

The static site will be built into public/ from which it can be copy-pasted into a server document root.

For development you can serve a hot-reloaded version locally using

$ zola serve

Custom tooling


Captioned images

To insert a captioned image, use

{{ caption(
    alt="Alt text",
    caption="Caption text which is shown next to image"
) }}

Special hyperlinks

To create special hyperlinks which can denote whether the link is an external link or not, use

{{ link(
    label="Link text",
) }}

Notice boxes

For a simple box with a neat i icon in the corner, use

{% notice(type="info") %}
My **awesome** notice content here!
{% end %}


SVG icons

To use an SVG icon inside a template file, pick an SVG icon from the SVG symbol source (static/img/icomoon-ref.nocmpr.svg) and insert it using

{% macro::svg(icon="...") %}

Formatted long date

To output a date such as

3rd June, 2017 at 11:22

Use the following macro:

{% macro::nicedate(daynum="...", date=...) %}

daynum should be a number of day of month (1 to 31). date should be a full page date object.

License and copyright

  • Site content, implementation, and design: All rights reserved, copyright Otto Rask
  • Tooling and other assets: Copyrighted and licensed to their providers.