
A java library to add localisation to your apps

Primary LanguageJava

Contact: abdelouadoudrasmi@gmail.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abdel-wadoud/

The documentation can be found here:


1- Integration

This library can be used in many different ways, all versions are published on Maven Central, as all other libraries to use it you need to include its dependency in your code, the next steps give you a hint about that.

1.1 Maven

Add these 2 dependencies in xml <dependencies>, in your pom.xml

<!--Localisation library-->

<!--Gson to parse Json responses-->

1.2 Gradle

in your gradle (module) file add these two dependencies

//Use Localisation library along with Gson to parse responses
implementation 'com.beastwall:localisation:1.0.5'
implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.9.1'

1.2.1 Android internet permission

For Android users to use this library you have to include these 2 permission in your Manifest file

<!--Internet permissions for the library to fetch countries-->

  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

1.3 Other methods

For other usages (gradle kotlin, scala etc...), see the link below
https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.beastwall/localisation/1.0.5/jar https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.google.code.gson/gson/2.9.1/jar

2- How to use it ?

The library has one method holder which is Localisation class, in contains some static methods to fetch your needed data, and it should be used as follows:

2.0 Android Note:

For android apps (getAllCountriesStatesAndCities, getCountryFlagSVG) methods have to be called in a separate thread than the main thread, since we're not allowed to execute Network calls in app main thread you can check that in this demo app MainActivity.java class, from here:
Android usage example

2.1 Getting countries

// Fetch all countries with their cities and states
 List<Country> countries = Localisation.getAllCountriesStatesAndCities();

2.2 Getting states

You might want to get states for a specific Country:

//Get states for country
List<State> states = country.getStates();

2.3 Getting cities

You might want to get cities for a specific state:

//Get cities for a state
for (State state : states) {
    //Get cities for a state
    List<City> cities = state.getCities();

2.4 Getting country flag

In some cases you might want to display a specific country flag, and getCountryFlagSVG(...) method returns a byte array of a flag that can be saved as an SVG file, since it was an svg file before fetching it.

To get a country flag, all you need to do is to specify it's code for examle Algeria => dz, and the format of the flag, whether it's a RECTANGLE, or a SQUARE.

//Get countries Svg square flags
for (Country c : countries) {
    byte[] countryFlag = Localisation.getCountryFlagSVG(c.getIso2(), Form.SQUARE);
    //Do something like saving the file

//Get Algeria's square flag with code "dz"
byte[] dz = Localisation.getCountryFlagSVG("dz", Form.RECTANGLE);

Note you can save this svg bytes array into a file and get the full file path with one line of code, using my previously published library:

//Save Svg flag (byte array) into a file and get its path
String filePath = FileSaver.get().save(dz,"dz.svg");

2.5 Get countries Only

//Get Countries Only
you might want to get countries without states and cities as follows
List<Country> countriesList = Localisation.getCountriesList();

2.6 Full example

// Fetch all countries with an Http call
List<Country> countries = Localisation.getAllCountriesStatesAndCities();

for (Country country : countries) {
    //Get countries Svg flag
    byte[] countryFlag = Localisation.getCountryFlagSVG(country.getIso2(), Form.SQUARE);

    //Get states for country
    List<State> states = country.getStates();

    for (State state : states) {
        //Get cities for a state
        List<City> cities = state.getCities();

3- Demo(s)

Find Our Java demo here:

Android demo here: