
A plugin that allows to perform actions based on monitored Twitter accounts and keywords with sentiment analysis support.

MIT LicenseMIT


A plugin that allows to perform actions based on monitored Twitter accounts and keywords with sentiment analysis support.


Use case:

  • If a monitored Twitter account makes a tweet
    • Check if the tweet contains monitored keyword
    • Run sentiment analysis on tweet and return score
    • User can then choose to perform action based on this score

Example: Influential person posting a positive tweet about a cryptocurrency, where the user then wants to open a buy order on their exchange through API call action.


  • Config
    • Add monitored Twitters
      • Monitored keywords for this specific Twitter account
        • Actions based on sentiment analysis score for this tweet
    • CRON tasks
      • Setup how often the plugin should run
  • Twitter scraping
  • Sentiment analysis
    • Perform analysis on string and return score
  • Actions
    • API calls
    • Email, SMS or Pushbullet notifications
    • Discord webhook