
Fast & light weight browser detection & device detection for asp.net core

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


NuGet version (BrowserDetector)

Browser detection capabilities for asp.net core.

This library does

  1. Browser detection
  2. Device type detection
  3. Operating System detection

.NET framework 4.7 has Browser property on HttpContext.Request which gives you information about the browser, from where there HTTP request came from. Unfortunately, ASP.NET core does not have this. This package can be used for browser & device detection in your ASP.NET core apps.

Browsers supported

Name Operating System Device type
Chrome Windows Desktop
Chrome Mac OS Desktop
Chrome iOS Mobile
Chrome iOS Tablet
Chrome Android Mobile
Chrome Android Tablet
Internet Explorer 11 Windows Desktop
Edge Windows Desktop
Edge iOS Tablet
Edge iOS Mobile
Edge Android Mobile
EdgeChromium Windows Desktop
EdgeChromium OSX Desktop
Opera Windows Desktop
Opera Mac OS Desktop
Opera iOS Mobile
Opera iOS Tablet
Safari Windows Desktop
Safari Mac OS Desktop
Safari iOS Mobile
Safari iOS Tablet
Firefox Windows Desktop
Firefox Mac OS Desktop
Firefox iOS Mobile
Firefox iOS Tablet

If you do not see a specific browser/os/device type combo, please open an issue

How to use ?

Step 1: Install the BrowserDetector nuget package

Install-Package Shyjus.BrowserDetector

Step 2: Enable the browser detection service inside the ConfigureServices method of Startup.cs.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Add browser detection service


Step 3: Inject IBrowserDetector to your controller class or view file or middleware and access the Browser property.

Example usage in controller code

public class HomeController : Controller
    private readonly IBrowserDetector browserDetector;
    public HomeController(IBrowserDetector browserDetector)
        this.browserDetector = browserDetector;
    public IActionResult Index()
        var browser = this.browserDetector.Browser;
        // Use browser object as needed.

        return View();

Example usage in view code

@inject Shyjus.BrowserDetection.IBrowserDetector browserDetector

<h2> @browserDetector.Browser.Name </h2>
<h3> @browserDetector.Browser.Version </h3>
<h3> @browserDetector.Browser.OS </h3>
<h3> @browserDetector.Browser.DeviceType </h3>

Example usage in custom middlware

You can inject the IBrowserDetector to the InvokeAsync method.

public class MyCustomMiddleware
    private RequestDelegate next;
    public MyCustomMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
        this.next = next;
    public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext httpContext, IBrowserDetector browserDetector)
        var browser = browserDetector.Browser;

        if (browser.Type == BrowserType.Edge)
            await httpContext.Response.WriteAsync("Have you tried the new chromuim based edge ?");
            await this.next.Invoke(httpContext);

Interpreting the Name values returned by IBrowser.Name

  • Firefox - Firefox browser.
  • EdgeChromium - The new Chromium based Microsoft Edge browser.
  • Edge - The legacy Edge browser.
  • Safari - The Safari browser.
  • Chrome - The Chrome browser.

What is the Perf impact on adding this package ?

I ran benchmarks on Safari and Chrome desktop user agents and those seems to return the results around **~ 1 micro second.** Heap allocation varies based on the input.

|         Method |     Mean |
|--------------- |---------:|
| Chrome_Windows | 1.057 us |
| Safari_Windows | 1.093 us |

1 micro second is one millionth of a second.

Help this project ?

You can further help the project by visiting http://bit.ly/detectbrowser in your browser and see the detection works. File an issue if you see wrong data.