
A simple raymarcher implementation in Java.

Primary LanguageJava

Marching for Rays

animated with lighting
This is a ray marcher demo I made in 2019. I was inspired after taking the Linear Algebra course at university and wanted to try to implement a ray marcher with the knowledge I had in my head. And it kinda works! Yay! :)

It's not at the least optimized, but it serves as a pretty decent proof of concept.

I also included some of the progress images showing the different results I got during the development process.

Progress images

My first success.. is the output of the console – it was a really satisfying moment!

My second success was this image: Second success – first image output

Second image: second image output

Third: third image output

My first animation!! 🎞 first animation

Let there be LIGHT! First shaded one. first with lighting

And the final animation, with lighting and shading. animated with lighting

Here's a video of the program running in real time: video