
"Wikily" Neural Machine Translation Tailored to Cross-Lingual Tasks.

Primary LanguagePython

"Wikily" Neural Machine Translation Tailored to Cross-Lingual Tasks

This repository contains a collection of experimental neural machine translation and computer vision codes based on Pytorch. Part of this code is used for the the paper "Wikily" Neural Machine Translation Tailored to Cross-Lingual Tasks. If you use the models or the code, please cite the paper with the following details:

      title={"Wikily" Neural Machine Translation Tailored to Cross-Lingual Tasks}, 
      author={Mohammad Sadegh Rasooli and Chris Callison-Burch and Derry Tanti Wijaya},

We should emphasize that a big portion of this code is still in experimental mode, and any functionality other than what we describe in this README file might not work properly.


Installing Dependencies

Installation using virtualenv

Here, I use a virtual environment but Conda should be very similar.

  1. Create a virtual environment with Python-3
python3 -m venv [PATH]
  1. Activate the environment
source [PATH]/bin/activate
  1. Clone the code
git clone https://github.com/rasoolims/ImageTranslate
cd ImageTranslate/src
  1. Install requirements In my experiments, I used cuda 10.1 and cudnn 7. To replicate the results, please use the mentioned versions. If things do not work as expected, please use the Docker installation.
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Note that in some machines, apex (library for using FP16 in Nvidia) does not install properly. You should try to install it manually throughout its source. In my case, my nvcc was unrecognized by the machine and I had to update my paths. Take a look at this. Also, you need to set CUDA_HOME.

export CUDA_HOME=[PATH TO CUDA; e.g. /usr/local/cuda-10.1]
pip install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" pytorch-extension

Installation using dockers

Asuuming that Docker and NVIDIA docker is installed., follow the following steps:

  1. Download the repository and pretrained models
git clone https://github.com/rasoolims/ImageTranslate
cd ImageTranslate/
  1. Build the docker in command line:
docker build dockers/gpu/ -t [docker-name] --no-cache
  1. Start running the docker:
  • Run this with screen since training might take a long time.
docker run --gpus all -it  [docker-name]

Using Pretrained Translation and Captioning Models


  • Download the model zip files for Arabic-English, Romanian-English, Gujarati-English, and Kazakh-English from this link.
  • Unzip the files and use the models for translation.
unzip ar.zip
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 -u translate.py --tok ar/tok/ \
--output [output English file] --input [input Arabic file] \
--src en --target ar --beam 4 --model ar/model --capacity 600 --batch 4000     

Here I assumed that I want to translate from Arabic to English. Language abbreviations are ar,en, kk, gu, and ro. Note that you can change the GPU id (e.g. CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1), and change batch and capacity for the best fit of your machine.

Note that there is a --verbose option where it puts the input and output lines separated by |||. This is useful especially if you want to use it for back-translation (to make sure that sentence alignments are completely guaranteed), or for annotation projection in which you might need it for word alignment.

Image Captioning

There are two Wikily models for image captioning for Arabic in which both have similar qualities. One is multi-tasked with translation and English captioning, and the other only with translation. The zipped model folders are available at this link. There are two model folders there. You can try either of them.

unzip caption.py
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -u caption.py --input [image-folder] \
--output [output-file] --target ar --tok caption/tok \
--model  caption/caption+mt/   --fp16

[image-folder] is a folder containing a collection of jpg of jpeg files. Note that you have to specify the target language ar to do proper captioning. The [output-file] will be a tab-separated file with image path as first and caption as second columns.

Training a Model

Currently, this code only works with one GPU. For working with multiple GPUs, there are some known issues. Please do not use more GPUs until further notice.

Train Machine Translation

Throughout this guideline, I use the small files in the sample folder. Here the Persian and English files are parallel but the Arabic text is not!

WARNING: Depending on data, the best parameters might significantly differ. It is good to try some parameter tuning for finding the best setting.

Training MASS Pretraining from Scratch

1. Collect raw text for languages:

We first add language identifiers to each individual text in order to distinguish different languages.

python scripts/add_lang_id.py sample/ar.txt ar sample/ar.id.txt
python scripts/add_lang_id.py sample/fa.txt fa sample/fa.id.txt
python scripts/add_lang_id.py sample/en.txt en sample/en.id.txt

Then, we concatenate the three files. Note that this could be any number of files or languages more than or equal to two.

cat sample/*.id.txt > sample/all.id.txt

2. Train a tokenizer on the concatenation of all raw text:

Now we are ready to train a tokenizer:

python train_tokenizer.py --data sample/all.id.txt --vocab_size [vocab-size] --model sample/tok

The vocab size could be any value but in our paper, we used 60000 since the data was big. For this sample file, try 1000.

3. Create binarized files on each raw text:

Each file should consist of content in one language only.

python create_mt_batches.py --tok sample/tok/ --src sample/en.txt --src-lang en --output sample/en.mass
python create_mt_batches.py --tok sample/tok/ --src sample/ar.txt --src-lang ar --output sample/ar.mass
python create_mt_batches.py --tok sample/tok/ --src sample/fa.txt --src-lang fa --output sample/fa.mass
  1. Train MASS on binarized files
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 -u  train_image_mt.py --tok sample/tok/ \
--model sample/mass_model --mass_train sample/en.mass.0,sample/fa.mass.0,sample/ar.mass.0 \
--capacity 2800 --batch 16000 --step 300000 --fstep 0 --warmup 100000 --acc 8  --fp16 

You can kill the process whenever you want. This process takes a long time to train on large data files. You can use screen and put the standard outputs into a log file in order to run it in the background mode. Usually training with more steps with bigger batches on larger GPU memories reaches a better model quality.

The latest model will be saved in [model-path].latest; e.g. sample/mass_model.latest. If you are using the sample data, you can kill the process after seeing a few epochs being done! We just need to make sure the code works.

Train Unsupervised MT

Following steps in the previous section, load the MASS model and train iterative back-translation.

Assuming that here we are interested in English-Persian, can run the following command to run it.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 -u train_image_mt.py --tok sample/tok/ \
--model sample/umt_model \
--pretrained sample/mass_model.latest \
--mass_train sample/en.mass.0,sample/fa.mass.0 \
--capacity 2800 --batch 16000 --step 0 --fstep 300000 --warmup 100000   --fp16 \
--langs fa,en

Similar to the previous step, this step also takes a long time on large datasets. You can change the --bt-beam option for beam size in back-translation but note that this might affect memory, and you should decrease --batch and --capacity options. In principle, you could merge this step with the previous step by choosing non-zero --step and --fstep-- options, but it is preferred to do this seperately in order to reuse the pre-trained MASS model in other places.

If you are interested in observing how the model makes progress in BLEU score on some held-out data, you could also build binaries for development translation data and use the --dev_mt option for giving the binary files separated by ,. Take a look at the next section for more details on how to built binary files for translation data.

Train MT on Parallel Data

Parallel data could be gold-standard or mined. You should load pre-trained MASS models for the best performance.

1. Create binary files for training and dev dataset: For simplicity, we use the Persian and English text files as both training and development datasets by using their last 100 sentences as development data.

head -9900 sample/fa.txt > sample/train.fa
head -9900 sample/en.txt > sample/train.en
tail -100 sample/en.txt > sample/dev.en
tail -100 sample/fa.txt > sample/dev.fa

python create_mt_batches.py --tok sample/tok/ --src sample/train.fa \
 --dst sample/train.en --src-lang fa --dst-lang en  \
 --output sample/fa2en.train.mt
python create_mt_batches.py --tok sample/tok/ --src sample/dev.fa \
 --dst sample/train.en --src-lang fa --dst-lang en  \
 --output sample/fa2en.dev.mt

If you create translation data in multiple direction, you can train multilingual translation for which we learn translation from multiple directions. Multiple data files can be separated by , in the arguments both for --train_mt and --dev_mt options.

2. Train by loading the pretrained MASS model:

 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 -u train_image_mt.py --tok  sample/tok/ \
 --model sample/mt_model  --train_mt sample/fa2en.train.mt \
 --capacity 600 --batch 4000   --beam 4 --step 500000 --warmup 4000 --fstep 0 \
 --lr 0.0001  --dev_mt sample/fa2en.dev.mt \
 --dropout 0.1 --fp16 --pretrained  sample/mass_model.latest

Depending on how much you pretrained the MASS model, you might different BLEU scores throughout different epochs. In general, since the training data is super-small the BLEU scores are usually low (less than 1.0) on this sample data.

After you are done, you can use the model path sample/mt_model for translating text to English (similar to the section on using the pretrained models in our paper.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -u translate.py --tok sample/tok/ \
--model sample/mt_model --input sample/dev.fa \
--output sample/dev.output.en --src fa --target en

Note that there is a --verbose option where it puts the input and output lines separated by |||. This is useful especially if you want to use it for back-translation (to make sure that sentence alignments are completely guaranteed), or for annotation projection in which you might need it for word alignment.

Training from pre-trained MASS model

In case you need to use our pretrained MASS models, all of those could be downloaded from this link

Note that each package has the following languages:

  • ar: ar, fa, en
  • gu: gu, hi, en (Note that Hindi (hi) is converted to Gujarati script)
  • kk: kk, ru, en
  • ro: ro, it, en

You could you the model along with the tokenizers inside them to fine-tune or train new models. Their tokenizer folders are inside the pre-trained translation packages (this link).

Train Image Captioning

Assuming that you have a text file that contains a list of image file paths and their captions separated by the tab (\t) character, in which if an image has n captions, it will show up in n lines in the text file where each line belongs to one of its captions, you should be able to train a captioning model. Note that the development data should have a similar format. After training is done, you can caption all images in a folder (the images could also by soft links).

1. Convert list text files into binaries

python binarize_captions_from_list.py --file [list-file] \
--tok [tokenizer-folder] --lang [language-id] \
--output [output-binary-file]

Note that the tokenizer folder has the same format as what we described in the translation section.

2. Train: Note that the training can be multi-tasked with different captioning data from multiple languages as well as translation data. Moreover, the captioning model could be initialized by a pre-trained translation model.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -u train_captioning.py \
--train [caption train binary files separated by ,]  \
--dev [caption dev binary files separated by ,]  --tok [tokenizer-folder]  \
--model [model-folder] --fp16 --no-obj  --img-depth 5  \
--img_capacity 300 --max-image 20 --acc 32  --step 450000 \
--lm [Optional: pretrained translation model folder] \
--train_mt [Optional: translation train binary files separated by ,] \
--dev_mt [Optional: translation development binary files separated by ,]