A small HowTo
In IOS you can install app http://www.gapcoder.com/ and use that for test-running a Cordova app.
Enter credentials. In the app :
- Enter Hosting Providers - GitHub
- SSH Transfers: Off
- Enter Username, Email and Password
Create a Cordova app. In GitHub:
- Create a Cordova project having confix.xml in the root #required for being able to run in GapCoder
- Content could be like this project: https://github.com/gapcoder/cordova.git
- or other hybrid cordova frameworks as compared here: https://www.airpair.com/ionic-framework/posts/hybrid-apps-ionic-famous-f7-onsen
Import the app to GapCoder. In the app:
- Press "+"
- Clone from GitHub
- Name: Whatever you like
- Path: https://github.com/gapcoder/cordova.git #remember to write https:// before github.com
Run the project. In the app:
- Open the project
- press the Play-button
Push or Pull. In the app:
- Edit some code
- Go back root of project
- Press Menu-button
- Commit & Push
The End.