This repository offers a comprehensive library of security policies designed to enhance the security of Kubernetes cluster configurations. The policies are developed in accordance with the CIS Kubernetes benchmark.
Open Policy AgentApache-2.0
- adityaprakash-bobbyAdani - Industry Cloud
- alam-mo
- altinorenAvanade
- ameukam
- anandg1121Password
- annersOkta
- bit-cloner
- carpenike@Microsoft
- danquackSyracuse, NY
- efredrickson-patientping
- fr34k8
- germainlefebvre4@ineat
- halfa@Collibra
- HaveFun83Germany
- iul1anBucharest
- jasonumiker
- jjuarezIBM Research |Â Quantum
- kartochFreelance
- mattniedelman
- mhausenblas@aws
- mike-stewartIntrohive
- mikejk8sDenver, CO
- moosh3American Well
- mrmuliAlkmaar, NL
- mruegBerlin, Germany
- nmcclainCopper Mountain
- onedr0pGuessing location...
- oz123Spectro Cloud
- prkottam
- RossyWhiteJapan
- sozercan@Microsoft
- sunggun-yuCVS Health
- terrywang@mulesoft
- VikaspoguRed Hat
- vivian-srcSyncier GmbH
- xunholyAustralia