- 3
- 2
Missing dependency
#17 opened by LCC-gblack - 2
ADB doesn't work
#16 opened by demoa00 - 2
Where to report bugs to KonstaKANG?
#15 opened by NiQ1 - 7
Compression method
#13 opened by alemig97 - 1
#14 opened by alemig97 - 2
Feature request: Optical drive support
#12 opened by NiQ1 - 14
How do I build Realtek RTL8192CU/RTL8188CU USB adapter driver into the kernel?
#8 opened by thebestofall007 - 6
error in build for rpi4
#11 opened by alemig97 - 3
Error building android 14 rpi4 kernel
#9 opened by thangarajpvaleo - 1
Run menuconfig
#10 opened by NiQ1 - 8
- 1
Can't connect Bluetooth controller (PS4)
#5 opened by ouroboros420 - 2
- 1
Getting error while repo sync
#3 opened by Parth414 - 4
Does support request_firmware?
#2 opened by xulinkun - 4
Generating and loading Kernel modules
#1 opened by alexus1211