Use the BME280 temperature, pressure and humidity sensor on the Raspberry Pi and display the output in the terminal.
Inspiration taken from this guide on Raspberry Pi Spy, but adapted to display only the temperature, pressure and humidity readings in the terminal.
The script called
also sends sensor readings to Beebotte every 15 minutes so you can log the readings over time.
Clone this repository:
git clone
Then ensure the BME280 is connected up correctly:
- 3.3V to VIN
- GND to GND
- SDA to SDA
- SCL to SCL
Also need to ensure that I2C and SPI are enabled via sudo raspi-config
and enabling I2C and SPI via the Interface
menu. For good measure, it is also worth installing i2c-tools
via sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
. Verify that your Raspberry Pi can see the BME280 by running sudo i2cdetect -y 1
at the command prompt.
If you plan on using the Beebotte side of things, you’ll need to install the Beebotte client via:
pip install beebotte
Then you will need to create a channel and use the token in the
Assuming you are in the bme280-pi
directory, simply run:
This will display the current temperature, pressure and humidity in the terminal, updating every 0.5 seconds. Exit via CTRL+C
I'm experimenting with Pushover notifications to alert you when the temperature rises above a set threshold. This works, but not with everything else right now - i.e. the Micro Dot pHAT, Beebotte and Pushover. I'm still trying to figure this out.