Scripts to make the Pimoroni Blinkt play nicely with RetroPie
Blinkt: RetroPie:
The scripts assume a full Blinkt installation and a standard RetroPie installation on a Raspberry Pi.
There are five scripts here, three bash scripts that handle the logic of working with the RetroPie interface, and two Python scripts that control the Blinkt LED Strip.
These all need to be saved into folder:
This script runs when RetroPie boots - usually it just contains a command to launch EmulationStation, but here we've added in a couple of others. Firstly it updates (or creates) a text file called control.txt in the /home/pi/ directory. It populates the file with the single word "LARSON". It then launches the script, which displays the Knight Rider KIT larson effect on the Blinkt - but only for as long as the word LARSON is present in the text file.
This script is fired when a game is selected, so on the launch of an emulator. First it updates the control.txt file to the word "SOLID" (cancelling the larson effect). then it runs the script, passing to it the name of the selected emulator as a parameter.
When you exit a game and the emulator closes, this script updates the control.txt file back to "LARSON" and launches the script.
For more information on the usage of these scripts have a look at the RetroPie documentation:
This script lives in the /home/pi/ folder and is an exact copy of the script that comes with the downloaded examples when the Blinkt is fully installed. The only difference is that this copy of the script adds a condition to the While loop, so that instead of being infinite it is dependant on the presence of a specific text string in the control.txt file - the word LARSON.
This script lives in /home/pi/Pimoroni/ (for no good reason) and controls the solid colour that is displayed once a game has been started. It accepts a parameter from the script which is the name of the game system. It displays a different solid colour on the Blinkt depending on which platform name is passed in as a parameter. This script will only display while the word "SOLID" is present in control.txt