
The secure-boot-example does not tell you how to copy the boot.ug and boot.sig to the eMMC!

Closed this issue · 15 comments

Describe the bug

Following the README here: https://github.com/raspberrypi/usbboot/tree/master/secure-boot-example at the very bottom it says:

Copy the boot.img and boot.sig files from the secure-boot-example stage to the mass storage drive

but it does not tell you how to do that! How do i do that? I can see the eMMC is available at /dev/sda, i could use dd to copy the boot.img but then how to copy the boot.sig???

The README should be updated with the commands to use?

Steps to reproduce the behaviour



Raspberry Pi CM4

Compute Module IO board.




Kernel logs


Device UART logs


You would use the mass-storage-gadget as with flashing any other OS image.

Presumably you have already verified your OS image before enabling secure-boot ?

Yes. I am using the mass-storage-gadget, and the eMMC is there at /dev/sda but then how can i make it so i can copy files to it?

For example:

cmura@pi4:~/usbboot $ ls /dev/sda*
/dev/sda  /dev/sda1
cmura@pi4:~/usbboot $ sudo cp secure-boot-example/boot.* /dev/sda1
cp: target '/dev/sda1': Not a directory
cmura@pi4:~/usbboot $ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
mount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
cmura@pi4:~/usbboot $

(also, thanks so much for replying so quickly @timg236 !)

Can't use cp here as it copies a file on a Filesystem. Use dd or other tool which. Am write to the raw block dev

Eg. dd if=yourimage.img of=/dev/sda bs=1M conv=fsync

Make sure that sda is the correct path!!

My bad, you need to copy the files to a Bootable partition (eg vfat) on the emmc for secure boot. See secure boot example Readme file

Sorry its still not clear to me.

Its a brand new CM4 so the eMMC is completely empty. Once its mounted with the mass-storage-gadget does it need to be formatted?

Can you help with the exact commands for formatting and/or copying the two boot files?

Many thanks!

Use mass-storage-gadget to export the devices as block devices. Typically these will appear as /dev/sda
Format and partition the drive according to your expected layout
Copy the boot.img to the boot file-system.

Installing to EMMC is really outside the scope of this tutorial. It's just running from RAM to demonstrate that an code is loading and running.

Is there some other README somewhere that explains how to do it (i can't find one)?

There are examples of how to copy a boot.img to the eMMC by using the dd command , but how can that work for the boot.sig too?

I really think this this README should explain at least how to deal with coping the boot.sig, or atleast point to someother README that shows it, surely?

  1. Make the compute module available as block device (eg ./rpiboot)
  2. Check for the device path (eg. /dev/sda, verify with dmesg or something else)
  3. Create partition table on device
  4. Create first partition and format it with vfat
  5. Mount the partition (reload partitions with partprobe or remove device and run rpiboot again)
  6. Copy boot.img and boot.sig to mounted partition
  7. Enjoy

Thanks @nbuchwitz - it doesn't seem quite as simple as that, we're still working on it, will post back here with progress ...

Something like this:

Power OFF and Power ON the CM4, then check what block device it is under lsblk. Then need to build the partitions:

sudo umount /dev/sda1 # if necessary

sudo fdisk /dev/sda

From here you can create the partitions as follows:

  • Type o to create a new MBR partition table
  • Create a new boot partition (still inside the fdisk util) with n
    -- choose all default values except the last sector where you input +512M (primary, number 1, first sector 2048, last sector +512M)
    -- if you get the question "Partition #1contains a vfat signature. Do you want to remove the signature? [Y]es/[N]o:" , Enter Yes
  • Create another new partition with n
    -- choose all default values (primary, number 2, first sector 1050624, last sector 30535679)
    -- Write the modification with w

Reload the partitions with partprobe or unplug and re-plug the CM4.

Next need to format the partitions correctly. Format the first partition as fat and label as boot:

sudo mkfs.fat -F 32 -n boot /dev/sda1

Then format the second partition as ext4 and label as root:

sudo mkfs.ext4 -L root -m 1 0b 4096 /dev/sda2

Update the flag of the first partition to "lba" using parted:

sudo parted /dev/sda

(parted) set 1 lba on
(parted) q

Reload with partprobe or unplug and re-plug the CM4. Reconnect with the rpiboot command:

sudo ./rpiboot -d secure-boot-msd

If you run lsblk you should see two partitions under sda, and their mounting point (/media//boot (root)).
You can now copy the .img and .sig files to the boot folder:

cp secure-boot-example/boot.* /media/<username>/boot/ #**change <username> with your username**

is there anything that can get it done simpler?

The secure-boot-example is there to demonstrate that the code-signing is working and a signed image can be loaded/verified.

If you are creating a new custom OS that requires secure-boot I recommend using the higher level Secure Boot Provisioner tool


Thank you for the link to the new rpi-sb-provisioner!