RasPiO InsPiRing Python driver class and example scripts

This software is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA which means you may use it for pretty much whatever you like except for commercial purposes.

The main RasPiO InsPiRing page is here you can find all product and purchase information there.

An extensive user guide can be found here

RasPiO InsPiRing User Guide

Installation Instructions

Full instructions on page 15 of the user guide

You will need to enable SPI on the Pi, then grab the software from GitHub

cd /home/pi


git clone https://github.com/raspitv/raspio-inspiring.git

Once installed, either consult the user guide or type pydoc apa from /home/pi/raspio-inspiring for an overview of how to use it.

Driver Assembly Video

Driver Assembly

Header Assembly Video

Header Assembly

Pyramid Assembly Video

Pyramid Assembly