MantisExtAuth - A MantisBT plugin provides an external authentication (via AUTH_USER or REMOTE_USER server variables).
The plugin was originally designed for seamless integration with Microsoft Active Directory (AD) domains. It uses a combination of NTLM authentication using the Apache web server's mod_authn_ntml
module and LDAP user data retrieval directly from AD.
To get the avatars of AD users, you can use my other plugin: MantisLdapAvatar.
This plugin makes MantisBT believe that the user whose name is specified in the AUTH_USER
web server variables is already authenticated. The entire authentication process is passed to the web server. The users are created automatically.
- Download and extract the plugin files to your computer.
- Copy the MantisExtAuth catalogue into the MantisBT plugin directory.
- In MantisBT, go to the Manage -> Manage Plugins page. You will see a list of installed and currently not installed plugins.
- Click the Install button next to "External Authentication" to install a plugin.
- None
Note: For MantisBT 2.27 you need to set a $g_login_method = LDAP;
in config_inc.php to retrieve user data (real name, mail, etc) directly from Active Directory, and a $g_reauthentication = OFF;
to skip re-authentication when plugin is not temporarily loaded during some MantisBT operation like plugin installation or update.
Example of MantisBT configuration for Apache web server and NTLM authentication:
# for Auth*
LoadModule authn_core_module modules/
# for Require*
LoadModule authz_core_module modules/
# for NTLM*
# mod_authn_ntml 1.0.8 stable for Apache 2.4.x x64 (25.05.2020)
LoadModule auth_ntlm_module modules/
<Directory "${SRVROOT}/htdocs/mantisbt">
AllowOverride All
<Location /mantisbt>
AuthType SSPI
AuthName "MantisBT"
NTLMOmitDomain On
AuthMerging And
Require sspi-group "DevOps"
Require sspi-user "Administrator"