
todo list manager for zsh

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

zsh commandline todo manager

This is a todo list manager for zsh. It was born out of curiosity and wanting to learn coreutils.



  • todo.zsh prints current open and completed todos
  • todo.zsh add some task adds 'some task' as open todo
  • todo.zsh clean clears completed todos off the list
  • todo.zsh done N marks the Nth todo as completed
  • todo zsh rename N new descr. renames Nth open task to 'new descr.
  • todo.zsh trash N deletes the Nth open todo
  • todo.zsh undo N marks the Nth completed todo as not done

You can mark a task as high priority by including :high: somewhere in the task name. Similarily you can mark a task as low priority by adding :low: somewhere in the task name.


Currently this requires zsh due to how I handle colors in the script. The zsh color syntax was chosen for convenience, you can replace it with color escape codes and get rid of the color autoloading.

It also requires a nerdfont for glyphs. You can change the glyphs to ASCII by replacing the G variable.


Both open and completed todos are stored in text files. I do recommend creating a directory like ~/.todos manually and changing the FILE_DIR variable to an absolute path. Files will be automatically created if they don't exist.

You might also want to symlink the todo.zsh script to ~/.local/bin/todo or another directory in your PATH for ease of access.


As always, it is good practice to make backups of the todo.txt and done.txt files before upgrading this application.

I've changed the way the content of both tiles is interpreted after v1.0.0: If you upgrade from v1.0.0 or earlier, an upgrade works fine if you todo.zsh clean before the upgrade. Otherwise your done tasks appear in both lists, but another todo.zsh done N for those will fix it.