
VIM Skeletons plugin

Primary LanguageVim Script

VIM Skeletons

This tiny VIM Skeletons plugin allows you to define a skeleton file per file type, which is used whenever you create a new file of that type.


For installation I recommend using vim-plug, a package manager for VIM plugins. If you have vim-plug running, the following line in your .vimrc or .config/init.vim enables the plugin

Plug "rassil0n/vim-skeletons"

Now you run


and you're done.

If you prefer any other VIM plugin manager, you will find your way according to your preferences. If you do not use a VIM plugin manager, you should use one.

I ship an example skeleton for your pleasure. Take a look in the extra/skeletons directory. Note, that this skeleton will not be used by the plugin by default.


Using Skeletons is easy. Just install the plugin and put your skeleton files into


a skeleton file name must follow the simple format sekeleton.<ft> where


You can influence the bahavior of Skeletons by two confiuguration variables:


Set this variable to a different directory if you don't want to have your skeletons to be located in ~/.config/nvim/extra/skeletons/.


Set this to 0 in order to avoid Skeletons to auto-register its autocommand for inserting the skeletons. You need to do this action yourself then.