
A Vue+Vuex starter with Nuxt scaffolding, Bulma styling, and Express backend.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A Vue+Vuex starter with Nuxt scaffolding, Bulma styling, and Express backend. A demo website is available here.


  • Guided setup for config variables + API keys
  • Flexible scaffolding, provided by NuxtJS
  • Auth via email/password or via Google/Twitter.
  • Auth merging, linking and unlinking of social auth accounts
  • Client:
    • Vue + Bulma
    • Vuex state management example
    • Auth-gated data example
    • Based closely off of nuxt-community/express-template for ease of comparison
  • The Backend is an Express server with Lightweight local storage provided with NeDB
    • Automatic certificate generation powered by greenlock
    • Self hosted mode (443/80 port access required) + simple mode (http only, custom port), for local use


# install dependencies
$ npm install

# run setup
$ npm run setup

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm build
$ npm start

Follow the config to set up both the config.json and passportKeys.json automatically. There are example files if you want to set up manually.

This template contains Google and Twitter logins, but more can be added easily, as they're modular passportJS strategies.

  • The process for obtaining a Google key is described here.
  • The process for obtaining a Twitter key is described here.

Running locally

If you set secure_override to true in the config.json, Express will be set up with trust proxy, which will allow for secure cookies to work over reverse proxies (Apache, Nginx, etc.)

TODO list

  1. Animations & completed alerts for various auth actions
  2. Profile page, account linking(technically operational, but no UI for it yet)
  3. Guided setup

Information & sources

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the Nuxt.js docs. Vue.js docs can be found here: Vue.js docs

This project is based on:

  1. The nuxt-community express-template for ease of comparison & demo api routes(this project contains the same routes locked behind an auth gate)
  2. The google/twitter passport.js strategy configurations were borrowed from sahat's hackathon-starter.