
Tinkercademy MakeCode package for using the KY-040 rotary encoder with the BBC micro:bit

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

KY040 Rotary Encoder MakeCode Package Build Status

This is the MakeCode package for the KY-040 rotary encoder.

Hardware Setup

  1. Connect the appropriate pins (CLK, DT, SW, GND) to the micro:bit.


Initialise rotary encoder

Initialises the rotary encoder.

Sets up the micro:bit to use the rotary encoder.

RotaryEncoder.init(P0, P1, P2)

This block must be placed before any of the other blocks in this list.

On button pressed

Button push event.

Called whenever the button is pushed down.

RotaryEncoder.onPressEvent(() => {
    basic.showString("Button pressed!")

On rotate (left/right)

Rotation event.

Called whenever the encoder detects rotation.

RotaryEncoder.onRotateEvent(RotationDirection.Left, () => {

RotaryEncoder.onRotateEvent(RotationDirection.Right, () => {

Example: Number input

The follow code creates a number input that can be adjusted by turning the encoder.

RotaryEncoder.init(P0, P1, P2)
let item = 0
RotaryEncoder.onRotateEvent(RotationDirection.Left, () => {
    item -= 1
RotaryEncoder.onRotateEvent(RotationDirection.Right, () => {
    item += 1
RotaryEncoder.onPressEvent(() => {

Supported targets

  • for PXT/microbit