
Convert Icons to Spritesheet

Primary LanguageTypeScript


vite-plugin-spriteify is a Vite plugin designed to generate a spritesheet with icons from a directory. It automatically updates whenever there are changes (edit, delete, add) in the specified directory being watched. Additionally, it offers the option to generate TypeScript types for the outputted icon names.


npm install -D vite-plugin-spriteify



To use vite-plugin-spriteify, add it to your Vite configuration file (vite.config.js) as a plugin:

// vite.config.js
import { spriteify } from 'vite-plugin-spriteify';

export default {
  plugins: [
      inputDir: "icons",
      outputDir: "public/icons",
      fileName: "icons.svg", // optional, default is "sprite.svg"
      typesFileName: "name.d.ts", // optional, default is "types.ts"
      grouped: true, // default false, true if you want to group icons by directory
      withTypes: true, // set it true if you want to generate TypeScript types
      cwd: process.cwd(),

Example Component

Once the spritesheet is generated, you can use the icons in your components. Here's an example component file:

import spriteHref from "~/path/sprite.svg"
import type { SVGProps } from "react"
import type { IconName } from "~/path/types.ts"

export function Icon({
}: SVGProps<SVGSVGElement> & {
  name: IconName
}) {
  return (
    <svg {...props}>
      <use href={`${spriteHref}#${name}`} />

Using the Component

You can now use the Icon component in your JSX by passing the icon name as a prop:

<Icon name="plus" />

This will render the icon named "plus" from the spritesheet.