
An easy‐to‐use powerful PHP SQL query builder

Primary LanguagePHPThe UnlicenseUnlicense


SuperSQL is an easy-to-use powerful SQL query builder for SQLite and MySQL.


  • PHP 5.6+
  • PDO SQLite / MySQL driver



Let’s have a table “users” with 5 columns: uid, username, password, sign_up_time and nickname

  include "ssql.php";

  //Connect with new Ssql($host[, $user[, $password[, $database]]])
  $ssql = new Ssql("localhost", "root", "root", "db"); // MySQL
  //Connect to SQLite with just the first parameter
  $ssql = new Ssql("db.sqlite3");
  //To execute raw SQL query use $ssql->q($q[, $a]), FETCH_ALL returns an array of rows, FETCH_OBJECT and FETCH_ARRAY return one row per call
  $ssql->q("SELECT * FROM users")->fetch(SQ::FETCH_ALL);
  //You can use wildcards for escaping
  $ssql->q("SELECT * FROM users WHERE `username`=%0 OR `nickname`=%1", [$name, $nick])->fetch();
  //You can set the object‐wide $debug property to print all queries before being executed
  $ssql->debug = true;
  //You can use queries as methods
  $ssql->getUser = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE `username`=%0 OR `nickname`=%1";
  $user = $ssql->getUser($name, $nick)->fetch();

  //For simple requests use $ssql->read($table[, $cond][, $flags])
  //Read function uses FETCH_SMART as default (FETCH_OBJECT for one row, FETCH_ALL for more), so you need to use the FETCH_ALL flag to return an array even when there is only one result
  $users = $ssql->read("users", SQ::FETCH_ALL);
  $user = $ssql->read("users", ['uid' => $id]);
  //You can use the DEBUG flag to print this query before execution
  $user = $ssql->read("users", ['uid' => $id], SQ::DEBUG);
  //You can use more conditions
  $user = $ssql->read("users", ['username' => $name, 'password' => $pass]);
  //You can use the COND_OR flag for OR operator instead of AND
  $user = $ssql->read("users", ['username' => $name, 'nickname' => $nick], SQ::FETCH_ALL | SQ::COND_OR)[0];
  //You can use custom conditions
  $users = $ssql->read("users", "`sign_up_time` > " . bcsub(time(), 3600));
  //You can use more of them
  $users = $ssql->read("users", ["`sign_up_time` > " . bcsub(time(), 3600), "`nickname` IS NOT NULL"], SQ::FETCH_ALL);

  //For more complicated requests use $ssql->select($table[, $order[, $cols[, $limit[, $flags]]]]), you can use array keys for aliases
  $users = $ssql->select("users", "sign_up_time", ['id' => "uid", 'name' => "username", "sign_up_time", "nickname"], NULL, SQ::ORDER_DESC)->fetch(SQ::FETCH_ALL);

  //Or $ssql->selectWhere($table, $cond[, $order[, $cols[, $limit[, $flags]]]])
  $user = $ssql->selectWhere("users", ['uid' => $id], "name", ['id' => "uid", 'name' => "username", "sign_up_time", 'nick' => "nickname"])->fetch();
  //To quickly display tables use ->dump()
  //Insert with $ssql->insert($table, $values[, $flags])
  $ssql->insert("users", [$id, $name, $pass, time(), NULL]);
  //You can use array keys as col names
  $ssql->insert("users", ['username' => $name, 'password' => $pass, 'sign_up_time' => time()]);
  //You can use INSERT_RETURN_ID flag for returning the first auto increment col value (depends on the database type)
  $id = $ssql->insert("users", ['username' => $name, 'password' => $pass, 'sign_up_time' => time()], SQ::INSERT_RETURN_ID);
  //Use $ssql->update($table, $cond, $values[, $flags]) to update rows
  $ssql->update("users", ['id' => $id], ['nickname' => $nick]);
  //You can delete rows with $ssql->delete($table, $cond[, $flags])
  $ssql->delete("users", ['id' => $id]);
  //You can use $ssql->put($table, $data[, $cond][, $flags]) for inserting, updating and deleting as well
  $ssql->put("users", [$id, $name, $pass, time(), NULL]);
  $ssql->put("users", ['username' => $name, 'password' => $pass, 'sign_up_time' => time()], SQ::INSERT_RETURN_ID);
  $ssql->put("users", ['nickname' => $nick], ['id' => $id]);
  $ssql->put("users", NULL, ['id' => $id]);
  //Use $ssql->truncate($table[, $flags]) to delete all rows in a table


Here is list of all SuperSQL flags:


More examples

  //To use the same database in more projects you can extend the Ssql class
  class mySsql extends Ssql {
    protected $host = "localhost";
    protected $user = "root";
    protected $password = "root";
    protected $db = "db"; //Optional
  //And then create an instance
  $ssql = new mySsql();
  //If $db is not set, you can set it afterwards
  //Use $ssql->selectJoin($table, $join, $on[, $order[, $cols[, $limit[, $flags]]]]) to execute a JOIN command
  $result = $ssql->selectJoin("users", "messages", ['from_user' => 'uid'], "time", "*", 5, SQ::ORDER_DESC)->fetch(SQ::FETCH_ALL);
  //Use JOIN_LEFT, JOIN_RIGHT and JOIN_FULL flags to other types of JOIN
  //To combine JOIN and WHERE use $ssql->selectJoinWhere($table, $join, $on, $cond[, $order[, $cols[, $limit[, $flags]]]])
  $result = $ssql->selectJoinWhere("users", "messages", ['from_user' => 'uid'], ['from_user' => $uid])->fetch(SQ::FETCH_ALL);
  //Table creation and deletion
  //For basic table creation use $ssql->createTable($table, $params[, $primary[, $flags]])
  $ssql->createTable("myTable", [
    'number' => [         // Column name
      'type' => "int",    // Column type
      'NULL' => false     // NULL
    'text' => [
      'type' => "varchar",
      'length' => 64,     // Max length
      'NULL' => true
  ], "number");
  //Use $ssql->deleteTable($table[, $flags]) to delete a table
  //To see a list of all tables in your database use $ssql->tableList([$flags])
  //Advanced conditions
  //You can use more advanced conditions with $ssql->cond(), this will select users that have the same username and nickname signed up in the last hour
  $ssql->read("users", $ssql->cond()->eq("username", "nickname")->gte("sign_up_time", time() - 3600));
  //Use arrays to differentiate string values from column names and to specify more alternatives, the COND_OR flag is also supported
  //This will select users that have username either "ratajs" or "admin" or that have nickname "RatajS"
  $ssql->read("users", $ssql->cond()->eq("username", ["ratajs", "admin"])->eq("nickname", ["RatajS"], SQ::COND_OR));
  //->not() negates the condition, this will select users with usernames other than admin
  $ssql->read("users", $ssql->cond()->eq("username", ["admin"])->not());
  //You can also pass another condition to it, this will select users that don’t have any nickname with username other than "admin" or "root".
  $ssql->read("users", $ssql->cond()->eq("nickname", [""])->not($ssql->cond()->eq("username", ["admin", "root"])));
  //Supported conditions: ->eq(), ->lt(), ->gt(), ->lte(), ->gte(), ->like(), ->between(), ->begins(), ->ends(), ->contains() and ->in()