
Daily Interview Pro in Java

Primary LanguageJava

Daily Interview Pro Java

Daily Interview Pro from https://www.techseries.dev/daily in Java

Problem Asked by Solution Status
Add two numbers as a linked list Microsoft AddTwoNumbersAsALinkedList.java Done
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Microsoft LongestSubstring.java Done
Longest Palindromic Substring Twitter LongestPalindromicSubstring.java Done
Validate Balanced Parentheses Uber ValidateBalancedParentheses.java Done
First and Last Indices of an Element in a Sorted Array Airbnb FirstAndLastIndices.java Done
Reverse a Linked List Google ReverseALinkedList.java Done
Sorting a list with 3 unique numbers Google SortingAListWith3UniqueNumbers.java Done
Two-Sum Facebook TwoSum.java Done
Find the non-duplicate number Facebook FindTheNonDuplicateNumber.java Done
Non-decreasing Array with Single Modification Microsoft NonDecreasingArrayWithSingleModification.java Done
Floor and Ceiling of a Binary Search Tree Apple FloorAndCeilingOfABinarySearchTree.java To Do
Invert a Binary Tree Twitter InvertABinaryTree.java Done
Maximum In A Stack Twitter MaximumInAStack.java Done
Number of Ways to Climb Stairs LinkedIn ClimbingStairs.java Done
Find Pythagorean Triplets Uber FindPythagoreanTriplets.java Done
Edit Distance Airbnb EditDistance.java To Do
Create a Simple Calculator Google CreateASimpleCalculator.java To Do
Longest Sequence with Two Unique Numbers Facebook LongestSequenceWithTwoUniqueNumbers.java To Do
Find Cycles in a Graph Facebook FindCyclesInAGraph.java To Do
Word Search Amazon WordSearch.java Done
Minimum Size Subarray Sum Amazon MinimumSizeSubarraySum.java Done
Ways to Traverse a Grid Microsoft WaysToTraverseAGrid.java To Do
Intersection of Linked Lists Apple IntersectionOfLinkedLists.java Done
Falling Dominoes Twitter FallingDominoes.java To Do
Remove Consecutive Nodes that Sum to 0 Uber RemoveConsecutiveNodesZeroSum.java Done
Remove k-th Last Element From Linked List Airbnb RemoveKthLastElementFromLinkedList.java Done
Witness of The Tall People Google WitnessOfTheTallPeople.java To Do
Course Prerequisites Google CoursePrerequisites.java To Do
Move Zeros Facebook MoveZeroes.java Done
Find the k-th Largest Element in a List Facebook KthLargestElementInAList.java Done
Spiral Traversal of Grid Amazon SpiralTraversalOfGrid.java To Do
Largest Product of 3 Elements Microsoft LargestProductOfThreeElements.java Done
Merge Overlapping Intervals Microsoft MergeOverlappingIntervals.java Done
Maximum Profit From Stocks Apple MaximumProfitFromStocks.java To Do
Queue Using Two Stacks Apple QueueUsingTwoStacks.java Done
Contiguous Subarray with Maximum Sum Twitter ContiguousSubarrayWithMaximumSum.java Done
Merge K Sorted Linked Lists Twitter MergeKSortedLinkedLists.java To Do
Create a balanced binary search tree LinkedIn CreateABalancedBinarySearchTree.java Done
Trapping Rainwater Uber TrappingRainwater.java To Do
Buddy Strings Airbnb BuddyStrings.java Done
Deepest Node in a Binary Tree Google DeepestNodeInABinaryTree.java To Do
Look and Say Sequence Google LookAndSaySequence.java To Do
First Missing Positive Integer Facebook FirstMissingPositiveInteger.java To Do
Validate Binary Search Tree Facebook ValidateBinarySearchTree.java Done
Get all Values at a Certain Height in a Binary Tree Amazon GetAllValuesAtACertainHeightInABinaryTree.java To Do
Longest Substring With K Distinct Characters Amazon LongestSubstringWithKDistinctCharacters.java To Do
Count Number of Unival Subtrees Microsoft CountNumberOfUnivalSubtrees.java To Do
Reconstrunct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversals Microsoft ReconstrunctBinaryTreeFromPreorderAndInorderTraversals.java Done
Sort Colors Apple SortColors.java Done
Word Ordering in a Different Alphabetical Order Apple WordOrderingInADifferentAlphabeticalOrder.java To Do
3 Sum Twitter ThreeSum.java Done
Largest BST in a Binary Tree Twitter LargestBSTInABinaryTree.java To Do
Find the Number of Islands LinkedIn FindTheNumberOfIslands.java To Do
Minimum Removals for Valid Parenthesis Uber MinimumRemovalsForValidParenthesis.java To Do
Group Words that are Anagrams Airbnb GroupWordsThatAreAnagrams.java Done
Running Median Google RunningMedian.java To Do
Room scheduling Google RoomScheduling.java To Do
Reverse Words in a String Facebook ReverseWordsInAString.java Done
Merge List Of Number Into Ranges Facebook MergeListOfNumberIntoRanges.java To Do
Product of Array Except Self Amazon ProductOfArrayExceptSelf.java Done
Given two arrays, write a function to compute their intersection Amazon Intersection.java To Do
Longest Increasing Subsequence Microsoft LongestIncreasingSubsequence.java To Do
Angles of a Clock Microsoft AnglesOfAClock.java To Do
Arithmetic Binary Tree Apple ArithmeticBinaryTree.java To Do
Tree Serialization Apple TreeSerialization.java To Do
Distribute Bonuses Twitter DistributeBonuses.java To Do
Min Range Needed to Sort Twitter MinRangeNeededToSort.java To Do
Reverse Integer LinkedIn ReverseInteger.java Done
Min Stack Uber MinimumStack.java Done
Full Binary Tree Google FullBinaryTree.java To Do
Decode String Google DecodeString.java To Do
Circle of Chained Words Facebook CircleOfChainedWords.java To Do
Jump to the End Facebook JumpToTheEnd.java To Do
H-Index Amazon HIndex.java Done
Symmetric k-ary Tree Microsoft SymmetricKAryTree.java Done
Max and Min with Limited Comparisons Microsoft MaxAndMinWithLimitedComparisons.java To Do
Nth Fibonacci Number Apple NthFibonacciNumber.java Done
Find the Single Element in an Array of Duplicates Apple FindTheSingleElement.java Done
Convert Roman Numerals to Decimal Twitter ConvertRomanNumeralsToDecimal.java Done
String Compression Twitter ConvertRomanNumeralsToDecimal.java Done
No Adjacent Repeating Characters LinkedIn NoAdjacentRepeatingCharacters.java To Do
Make the Largest Number Uber MakeTheLargestNumber.java Done
Smallest Number that is not a Sum of a Subset of List Airbnb SmallestNumber.java Done
Maximum Path Sum in Binary Tree Facebook MaximumPathSumInBinaryTree.java To Do
Permutations of numbers Facebook PermutationsOfNumbers.java To Do
Longest Consecutive Sequence Amazon LongestConsecutiveSequence.java To Do
Subarray With Target Sum Amazon SubarrayWithTargetSum.java To Do
Determine If Linked List is Palindrome Microsoft LinkedListIsPalindrome.java To Do
Level Order Traversal of Binary Tree Microsoft LevelOrderTraversalOfBinaryTree.java To Do
Shifted String Apple ShiftedString.java To Do
Lowest Common Ancestor of 2 Nodes in Binary Tree Apple LowestCommonAncestor.java To Do
Binary Tree Level with Minimum Sum Twitter BinaryTreeLevelWithMinimumSum.java To Do
Find Missing Numbers in an Array Twitter FindMissingNumbers.java To Do
Plus One LinkedIn PlusOne.java To Do
Detect Linked List Cycle Uber DetectLinkedListCycle.java To Do
Top K Frequent words Airbnb TopKFrequentWords.java To Do
Design Tic-Tac-Toe Google DesignTicTacToe.java To Do
Absolute Path Facebook AbsolutePath.java To Do
Reverse a Directed Graph Facebook ReverseADirectedGraph.java To Do
Compare Version Numbers Amazon CompareVersionNumbers.java To Do
Spreadsheet Column Title Amazon SpreadsheetColumnTitle.java To Do
Consecutive Ones Microsoft SpreadsheetColumnTitle.java To Do
Generate All IP Addresses Microsoft SpreadsheetColumnTitle.java To Do
Spreadsheet Columns Apple SpreadsheetColumnTitle.java To Do
Print a tree level-by-level, with line-breaks Apple PrintATreeLevelByLevel.java To Do
Palindrome Integers Twitter PalindromeIntegers.java Done
Fix Brackets Twitter FixBrackets.java To Do
Most Frequent Subtree Sum LinkedIn MostFrequentSubtreeSum.java To Do
Sort a Partially Sorted List Uber SortPartiallySortedList.java To Do
Multitasking Airbnb Multitasking.java To Do
Staying on a Chess Board Google StayingOnAChessBoard.java To Do
Making a Height Balanced Binary Search Tree Google HeightBalancedBinarySearchTree.java To Do
Kaprekar's Constant Facebook KaprekarsConstant.java To Do
City Skyline Facebook CitySkyline.java To Do
Number of Cousins Amazon NumberofCousins.java To Do
Generate Binary Search Trees Amazon GenerateBinarySearchTrees.java To Do
UTF-8 Validator Microsoft UTF8Validator.java To Do
Fixed Point Apple FixedPoint.java To Do
ZigZag Binary Tree Apple ZigZagBinaryTree.java To Do
Sorting Window Range Twitter SortingWindowRange.java To Do
Determine Height Balanced Binary Tree Twitter HeightBalancedBinaryTree.java To Do
Rectangle Intersection LinkedIn RectangleIntersection.java To Do
Postorder Traversal Uber PostorderTraversal.java To Do
Rotate Linked List Airbnb RotateLinkedList.java To Do
Character Map Google CharacterMap.java To Do
Flatten Dictionary Google FlattenDictionary.java To Do
Reverse Polish Notation Calculator Facebook ReversePolishNotationCalculator.java To Do
Shortest unique prefix Facebook ShortestUniquePrefix.java To Do
Reverse bits Amazon ReverseBits.java To Do
First recurring character Amazon FirstRecurringCharacter.java To Do
Maze Paths Microsoft MazePaths.java To Do
Check for Palindrome Microsoft CheckForPalindrome.java To Do
Nearest Points Apple NearestPoints.java To Do
Optimized List Sum Apple OptimizedListSum.java To Do
Filter Binary Tree Leaves Twitter FilterBinaryTreeLeaves.java To Do
Swap Every Two Nodes in a Linked List Twitter SwapEveryTwoNodesInALinkedList.java To Do
Partition a List LinkedIn PartitionAList.java To Do
Making Change Uber MakingChange.java To Do
Phone Numbers Airbnb PhoneNumbers.java To Do
Largest Path Sum from Root To Leaf Google LargestPathSumFromRootToLeaf.java To Do
Inorder Successor Google InorderSuccessor.java To Do
Rotate Array Facebook RotateArray.java To Do
Determine if number Amazon DetermineIfNumber.java To Do
Picking up Change Amazon PickingUpChange.java To Do
Sorted Square Numbers Microsoft SortedSquareNumbers.java To Do
Level of tree with Maximum Sum Microsoft LevelOfTreeWithMaximumSum.java To Do
Find subtree Apple FindSubtree.java To Do
Reverse words Apple ReverseWords.java To Do
Anagrams in a string Twitter AnagramsInAString.java Done
Swap bits Twitter SwapBits.java To Do
String to Integer LinkedIn StringToInteger.java To Do
Rotate Matrix Uber RotateMatrix.java To Do
Power Function Uber PowerFunction.java To Do
Squareroot Google Squareroot.java To Do
Missing Ranges Google MissingRanges.java To Do
Sudoku Check Facebook SudokuCheck.java To Do
Sum of Squares Facebook SumOfSquares.java To Do
Schedule Tasks Amazon ScheduleTasks.java To Do
Remove Duplicate from Linked List Amazon RemoveDuplicateFromLinkedList.java To Do
Queens on a chessboard Microsoft QueensOnAchessboard.java To Do
Remove One Layer of Parenthesis Microsoft RemoveOneLayerOfParenthesis.java To Do
Number of Connected Components Apple NumberOfConnectedComponents.java To Do
Convert to Base Two Apple ConvertToBaseTwo.java To Do
Split a Binary Search Tree Twitter SplitABinarySearchTree.java To Do
Find Closest Points LinkedIn FindClosestPoints.java To Do
Duplicate Subtrees Uber DuplicateSubtrees.java To Do
K Closest Elements Airbnb KClosestElements.java To Do
Index of Larger Next Number Google IndexOfLargerNextNumber.java To Do
Remove Character to Create Palindrome Google RemoveCharacterToCreatePalindrome.java To Do
Number of Meeting Rooms Facebook NumberOfMeetingRooms.java To Do
Convert Fraction to Decimal Facebook ConvertTractionToDecimal.java To Do
Primes Amazon Primes.java To Do
Convert to Hexadecimal Amazon ConvertToHexadecimal.java To Do
Multiply Microsoft Multiply.java To Do
Remove Adjacent Duplicate Characters Apple RemoveAdjacentDuplicateCharacters.java To Do
Common Characters Apple CommonCharacters.java To Do
Transpose Matrix Twitter TransposeMatrix.java To Do
Intersection of Lists Twitter IntersectionOfLists.java To Do
Minimum Number of Operations LinkedIn MinimumNumberOfOperations.java To Do
Shortest Distance to Character Uber ShortestDistanceToCharacter.java To Do
Pascal's Triangle Airbnb PascalsTriangle.java To Do
Closest to 3 Sum Google ClosestTo3Sum.java To Do
Sum Binary Numbers Facebook SumBinaryNumbers.java To Do
Reshaping Matrix Facebook ReshapingMatrix.java To Do
Reverse Integer Amazon ReverseInteger.java To Do
Decimal to Roman Amazon DecimalToRoman.java To Do
Longest Common Prefix Microsoft LongestCommonPrefix.java To Do
4 Sum Microsoft FourSum.java To Do
Generate Brackets Apple GenerateBrackets.java To Do
Remove Duplicates From Sorted List Apple RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedList.java To Do
Unique Sum Combinations Twitter UniqueSumCombinations.java To Do
Range Searching in a Sorted List Twitter RangeSearchingInASortedList.java To Do
Minimum Depth of Binary Tree LinkedIn MinimumDepthOfBinaryTree.java To Do
Target Sum from Root to Leaf Uber TargetSumFromRootToLeaf.java To Do
Majority Element Airbnb MajorityElement.java To Do
Number of 1 bits Google NumberOf1Bits.java Done
Maximum Non Adjacent Sum Google MaximumNonAdjacentSum.java To Do
Searching a Matrix Facebook SearchingAMatrix.java To Do
Generate all subsets Facebook GenerateAllSubsets.java To Do
Flatten Binary Tree Amazon FlattenBinaryTree.java To Do
Root to leaf numbers summed Amazon RootToLeafNumbersSummed.java To Do
Deep Copy Graph Microsoft DeepCopyGraph.java To Do
LRU Cache Apple LRUCache.java To Do
Sorting a list with 3 unique numbers Google SortingAListWith3UniqueNumbers.java Done
Find the k-th Largest Element in a List Facebook FindTheKthLargestElementInAList.java Done
Palindrome Integers Twitter PalindromeIntegers.java Done