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// Here how I did The Entity & Relation & Crud & Migrate to Data Base.

// So first I created Entity's choosen The Tables, Exem: Produit is The Table "prix" is The Property.

symfony console make: entity Class name of the entity to create or update (e.g. GrumpyKangaroo): Then I Choosed : Product


New property name (press to stop adding fields):


Field type (enter ? to see all types) [string]:


Precision (total number of digits stored: 100.00 would be 5) [10]:


Scale (number of decimals to store: 100.00 would be 2) [0]:


Can this field be null in the database (nullable) (yes/no) [no]: Choose yes or no depends on your needs i choosed No whether you write it or just press Enter


updated: src/Entity/Produit.php

Add another property? Enter the property name (or press to stop adding fields):


Field type (enter ? to see all types) [string]:

? // If am not sure what Option to choose then I writed Question Mark (?) Then gave me Options like shown here Main types

  • string
  • text
  • boolean
  • integer (or smallint, bigint)
  • float

Relationships / Associations

  • relation (a wizard 🧙 will help you build the relation)
  • ManyToOne
  • OneToMany

❯ symfony console make:entity

Class name of the entity to create or update (e.g. BraveElephant):


created: src/Entity/LigneCommande.php created: src/Repository/LigneCommandeRepository.php

Entity generated! Now let's add some fields! You can always add more fields later manually or by re-running this command.

New property name (press to stop adding fields):


Field type (enter ? to see all types) [string]:

Field length [255]:

Can this field be null in the database (nullable) (yes/no) [no]:

updated: src/Entity/LigneCommande.php

Add another property? Enter the property name (or press to stop adding fields):


Field type (enter ? to see all types) [string]:

❯ symfony console make:entity

Class name of the entity to create or update (e.g. OrangePizza):


created: src/Entity/Commande.php created: src/Repository/CommandeRepository.php

Entity generated! Now let's add some fields! You can always add more fields later manually or by re-running this command.

New property name (press to stop adding fields):


Field type (enter ? to see all types) [string]:

Field length [255]:

Can this field be null in the database (nullable) (yes/no) [no]:

updated: src/Entity/Commande.php

Add another property? Enter the property name (or press to stop adding fields):


Field type (enter ? to see all types) [string]:

❯ symfony console make:entity User

Class name of the entity to create or update (e.g. AgreeablePuppy):


Your entity already exists! So let's add some new fields!

New property name (press to stop adding fields):


Field type (enter ? to see all types) [string]:

Field length [255]:

Can this field be null in the database (nullable) (yes/no) [no]:

updated: src/Entity/User.php

Here how I did all The Relations:

New property name (press to stop adding fields):


Field type (enter ? to see all types) [string]:


Main types

  • string
  • text
  • boolean
  • integer (or smallint, bigint)
  • float

Relationships / Associations

  • relation (a wizard 🧙 will help you build the relation)
  • ManyToOne
  • OneToMany
  • ManyToMany
  • OneToOne

Array/Object Types

  • array (or simple_array)
  • json
  • object
  • binary
  • blob

Date/Time Types

  • datetime (or datetime_immutable)
  • datetimetz (or datetimetz_immutable)
  • date (or date_immutable)
  • time (or time_immutable)
  • dateinterval

Other Types

  • ascii_string
  • decimal
  • guid

Field type (enter ? to see all types) [string]:


What class should this entity be related to?:


What type of relationship is this?

Type Description

ManyToOne Each Produit relates to (has) one Categorie.
Each Categorie can relate to (can have) many Produit objects

OneToMany Each Produit can relate to (can have) many Categorie objects.
Each Categorie relates to (has) one Produit

ManyToMany Each Produit can relate to (can have) many Categorie objects.
Each Categorie can also relate to (can also have) many Produit objects

❯ symfony console make:entity

Class name of the entity to create or update (e.g. FierceGnome):


Your entity already exists! So let's add some new fields!

New property name (press to stop adding fields):


AM continuing on adding Properties to my Table "ligne_commande" Class name of the entity to create or update (e.g. DeliciousPopsicle):


Your entity already exists! So let's add some new fields!

New property name (press to stop adding fields): list

Field type (enter ? to see all types) [string]:


What class should this entity be related to?:


ManyToOne Each LigneCommande relates to (has) one Produit.
Each Produit can relate to (can have) many LigneCommande objects

OneToMany Each LigneCommande can relate to (can have) many Produit objects.
Each Produit relates to (has) one LigneCommande

ManyToMany Each LigneCommande can relate to (can have) many Produit objects.
Each Produit can also relate to (can also have) many LigneCommande objects

OneToOne Each LigneCommande relates to (has) exactly one Produit.
Each Produit also relates to (has) exactly one LigneCommande.

Relation type? [ManyToOne, OneToMany, ManyToMany, OneToOne]:


A new property will also be added to the Produit class so that you can access and set the related LigneCommande object from it.

New field name inside Produit [ligneCommande]:

Is the Produit.ligneCommande property allowed to be null (nullable)? (yes/no) [yes]:


Do you want to activate orphanRemoval on your relationship? A Produit is "orphaned" when it is removed from its related LigneCommande. e.g. $ligneCommande->removeProduit($produit)

NOTE: If a Produit may change from one LigneCommande to another, answer "no".

Do you want to automatically delete orphaned App\Entity\Produit objects (orphanRemoval)? (yes/no) [no]:

updated: src/Entity/LigneCommande.php updated: src/Entity/Produit.php

Add another property? Enter the property name (or press to stop adding fields):


Now that Relation has been Done Am doing Migration to my Data Base

Next: When you're ready, create a migration with php bin/console make:migration

❯ php bin/console make:migration


Next: Review the new migration "migrations/Version20220414142131.php" Then: Run the migration with php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate See ❯ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

WARNING! You are about to execute a migration in database "bestsleep" that could result in schema changes and data loss. Are you sure you wish to continue? (yes/no) [yes]:

[notice] Migrating up to DoctrineMigrations\Version20220414142131 [notice] finished in 668.6ms, used 20M memory, 1 migrations executed, 5 sql queries

❯ symfony console make:crud

The class name of the entity to create CRUD (e.g. VictoriousPopsicle):


Choose a name for your controller class (e.g. CategorieController) [CategorieController]:

created: src/Controller/CategorieController.php created: src/Form/CategorieType.php created: templates/categorie/_delete_form.html.twig created: templates/categorie/_form.html.twig created: templates/categorie/edit.html.twig created: templates/categorie/index.html.twig created: templates/categorie/new.html.twig created: templates/categorie/show.html.twig


The Last am doing is The Crud

Next: Check your new CRUD by going to /categorie/ ❯ symfony console make:crud

The class name of the entity to create CRUD (e.g. FierceChef):


Choose a name for your controller class (e.g. ProduitController) [ProduitController]:

[ERROR] The file "src/Controller/ProduitController.php" can't be generated because it already exists.

If Exist it won't do it ! But if My Entity doesn't exist yet will make then The Crud

The class name of the entity to create CRUD (e.g. GrumpyPopsicle):


Choose a name for your controller class (e.g. LigneCommandeController) [LigneCommandeController]:

created: src/Controller/LigneCommandeController.php created: src/Form/LigneCommandeType.php created: templates/ligne_commande/_delete_form.html.twig created: templates/ligne_commande/_form.html.twig created: templates/ligne_commande/edit.html.twig created: templates/ligne_commande/index.html.twig created: templates/ligne_commande/new.html.twig created: templates/ligne_commande/show.html.twig


Next: Check your new CRUD by going to /ligne/commande/ ❯ symfony console make:crud

The class name of the entity to create CRUD (e.g. GrumpyElephant):


Choose a name for your controller class (e.g. CommandeController) [CommandeController]:

created: src/Controller/CommandeController.php created: src/Form/CommandeType.php created: templates/commande/_delete_form.html.twig created: templates/commande/_form.html.twig created: templates/commande/edit.html.twig created: templates/commande/index.html.twig created: templates/commande/new.html.twig created: templates/commande/show.html.twig


Next: Check your new CRUD by going to /commande/ ❯ symfony console make:crud User

The class name of the entity to create CRUD (e.g. BravePuppy):


Choose a name for your controller class (e.g. UserController) [UserController]:

created: src/Controller/UserController.php created: src/Form/UserType.php created: templates/user/_delete_form.html.twig created: templates/user/_form.html.twig created: templates/user/edit.html.twig created: templates/user/index.html.twig created: templates/user/new.html.twig created: templates/user/show.html.twig


How to Do User :

Symfony console make:user

The name of the security user class (e.g. User) [User]:


Do you want to store user data in the database (via Doctrine)? (yes/no) [yes]:

Enter a property name that will be the unique "display" name for the user (e.g. email, username, uuid) [email]:

Will this app need to hash/check user passwords? Choose No if passwords are not needed or will be checked/hashed by some other system (e.g. a single sign-on server).

Does this app need to hash/check user passwords? (yes/no) [yes]:

created: src/Entity/User.php created: src/Repository/UserRepository.php updated: src/Entity/User.php updated: config/packages/security.yaml


Let's make The Registration form

Creating a registration form for App\Entity\User

Do you want to add a @UniqueEntity validation annotation on your User class to make sure duplicate accounts aren't created? (yes/no) [yes]:

Do you want to send an email to verify the user's email address after registration? (yes/no) [yes]:


Do you want to automatically authenticate the user after registration? (yes/no) [yes]:


! [NOTE] No Guard authenticators found - so your user won't be automatically authenticated after registering.

What route should the user be redirected to after registration?: [0 ] app_accueil [1 ] app_contact [2 ] app_produit_index [3 ] app_produit_new [4 ] app_produit_show [5 ] app_produit_edit [6 ] app_produit_delete [7 ] _preview_error [8 ] _wdt [9 ] _profiler_home [10] _profiler_search [11] _profiler_search_bar [12] _profiler_phpinfo [13] _profiler_search_results [14] _profiler_open_file [15] _profiler [16] _profiler_router [17] _profiler_exception [18] _profiler_exception_css


updated: src/Entity/User.php created: src/Form/RegistrationFormType.php created: src/Controller/RegistrationController.php created: templates/registration/register.html.twig


Next: Make any changes you need to the form, controller & template.

Then open your browser, go to "/register" and enjoy your new form!

❯ Symfony console make:auth

What style of authentication do you want? [Empty authenticator]: [0] Empty authenticator [1] Login form authenticator


The class name of the authenticator to create (e.g. AppCustomAuthenticator):


Choose a name for the controller class (e.g. SecurityController) [SecurityController]:

Do you want to generate a '/logout' URL? (yes/no) [yes]:

created: src/Security/AppUserAuthenticator.php updated: config/packages/security.yaml created: src/Controller/SecurityController.php created: templates/security/login.html.twig


Whôuh let's Create Data Base Now With DOCTRINE!!

To Create a Data Base you need to make Set Up or Seetings on "ENV3 : Need also to create your data base in there I mean data base Name for my case is : bestSleep If you use my SQL then in "ENV" need to decomment where it tells : DATABASE_URL="mysql then you good to go for creating your own Data Base in Terminal

Once done! Need to be checked my Migrating : php bin/console make:migration if okay then will show that was Successfully Migrated

Created database bestSleep for connection named default ❯ php bin/console make:migration


Then :

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate WARNING! You are about to execute a migration in database "bestsleep" that could result in schema changes and data loss. Are you sure you wish to continue? (yes/no) [yes]:

[notice] Migrating up to DoctrineMigrations\Version20220414082736 [notice] finished in 398ms, used 20M memory, 1 migrations executed, 3 sql queries

Huraaayyyy Done our Data BAse just need checked that's All ya !!!